A sensemoment is all the sensual input that a person receives from the different senses during a awaremoment (as a time lenght). The sensemoment does not have to be defined by way of the awaremoment but it substantially influences the awaremoment. The sense moment takes time to get to the brain and for the brain to process so what is occurring to the senses this moment may not effect the current awaremoment. When a string of sensemoments are tied together we have a sensepath or a sensesection. Most people believe that what they experience in terms of the sensepath is produced by reality. But it could also be produced by a sensepaducer. if we organize a sensepath into a continuum structure we have a sensecontinuum.
Sensespace is a grouping name for:
Sensepoint is a point on a sensepath or sensespace.
Sensemoment is the shortest section of a sensepath that corresponds to an awaremoment.
Sensesection is a part of a sensepath of any length usually longer than a sensemoment. The part of the sensepath that you experienced in the past ten minutes, 2 hours, 5 days, 7 years are all examples of differents lenght of a sensesection.
Sensepath is all the sense stimulation that effects an itobody or itobrain moment to moment over the life of the itobody. There are an enumerable amount of different sensepaths that can effect an itobody. They can be produced naturally by nature or artificially by a sensepaducer. A video game is a partial sensepaducer because it does not control the input to all parts of all of the senses. How your brain is stimulated by your senses, in your life, is your sensepath. The same sensepath that you expereince could have been applied to one or more other persons creating different awarepaths.
Sensevenue is a concept based grouping of of sensepaths.
Senseregion is a grouping of itospaces that have concept defined boundaries usually larger than an awarevenue and it does not have to contain complete awarepaths.
Sensecontinuum can be defined as the grouping of all possible sensespaces. In other words it is a grouping of every possible sensepath that can effect an itobody.
See also:
itosensefaxspace, itosensespace, sensefazspace, sense sense concept,
externa, interna, externa concept, interna concept, itointernaspace, itoexternaspace, internafazspace, externafazspace, itointernafazspace, itoexternafazspace,
externaspace, externapoint, externamoment, externapath, externavenue, externasection, externaregion, externacontinuum,
internaspace, internapoint, internamoment, internapath, internavenue, internasection, internaregion, internacontinuum,