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An Itospace is the name for spaces corresponding to itopoints, itomoments, itosections, itopaths, itoregions, itovenues, itocontinuums, and itomulticontinuums.

It is also a grouping name for orispace, idospace, corispace, citospace, fitospace, vitospace, isospace, enhaspace, musspace, insispace, tritospace, combospace, nrgspace, simispace,

An itospace is a name for a concept about multidimensional conceptual space applied to certain itoconcepts that ranges in size from the size of a itopoint to that of an itomulticontinuum.

An itoawarespace is a name for a concept about multidimensional conceptual space applied to certain itoconcepts that ranges in size from the size of a itopoint to that of an itocontinuum dealing with consciousness.

An itophysispace is a type of itospace that concerns the physiconcept and the physical properties of matter that come together to produce consciousness.

See also: Epitofazpoint, Epitofazmoment, Epitofazsection, Epitofazpath, Epitofazvenue, Epitofazregion, Epitofazcontinuum, Epitofazmulticontinuum, Epitofazspace, itofazpoint, itofazmoment, itofazsection, itofazpath, itofazvenue, itofazregion, itofazcontinuum, itofazmulticontinuum, itofazspace, fazspace, itospace, fazconcept, itoconcept,