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The expeconcept is the concept that experiments can be understood in terms of the path and continuum concepts (pathconcept, continuumconcept) that are used in awaretheory. The reason for this is that each itophysapath is an experiment with results in terms of behavior, consciousness, and ixperiencitness (behaviorpath, awarepath, ixpepath). The enumerable amount of itophysapaths that exist can be combined into continuums in many different useful ways forming itophysacontinuums and itophysamulticontinuums. When itophysacontinuums are created they can be mapped to awarecontinuums and ixpecontinuums. When this is accomplished it creates maps of the potential self. these maps of the potential self are useful when the goal is creating the different forms of immortality. This is because any itophysapath that produces your ixperiencitness will be a way of producing life after death or multiple conscious existences for you presently.