Arbitrary internapaths

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Types of internapaths

The momentumpath is how the brain (neuropath) will function with out external influences. The internapath plus the externapath create the how the neuropath functions over time. The internapath creates the conscious that is experienced by a (conscious itobody) (conscious human). every human

There are all sorts of types of internapaths just like there are all sorts of different types of sensepaths, types of realities, types of externapaths, types of awarepaths, etc.

Everyone on earth experiences a different sensepath, unless there are situations on earth where people are stimulated by a sensepaducer in an experience machine that produces identical sensepaths for them, (which seems very unlikely).

Why deal with, define, or make a big deal about the different types of internapaths?

Time period internapaths

Time period internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness (awarepath) of a certain specific time or time period like jan 2 1820.

Place internapaths

Place internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness of a certain specific place or area, like on Mars or a specific place on earth like New York City.

People specific internapaths

People specific internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness about certain specific people. This is what you would have consciously experienced while being around specific people.

Adventure internapaths

Adventure internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness (awarepath) of an adventurous nature. This can be like movie adventures.

Retribution internapaths

Retribution internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness (awarepath) about revenge and punishment, where no harm is actually done or has to be actually done to other conscious beings or other objects because it is created by the functioning of the internapath not in reality.

Theological internapaths

Theological internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness (awarepath) that are about religious ideas. For instance, like internapaths that includes angels, gods, religious commands and religious life styles etc. They can enhance a conscious being's (human's) belief or disbelief in a religious belief system.

Sensual internapaths

Sensual internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness (awarepath) that concentrate on the sensual pleasures like love, beauty, music, etc.

Normal life internapaths

Normal life internapaths are types of internapaths that you and most other people experience in their life time that is usually produced by nature but could with technological advancements be produced by sensepaducers.

Future life internapaths

Future life internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness (awarepath) that that you will experience in the future. you can as either a conscious participant or as an conscious observer.

because consciousness is produced by the functioning of the brain for people and their future consciousness is produced the same way if this

Creativity fulfilling internapaths

Creativity fulfilling internapaths are types of internapaths where a conscious beings humans desire for creativity is being fulfilled to various amounts or degrees.

Curiosity fulfilling internapaths

Curiosity fulfilling internapaths are types of internapaths where one's curiosity is fulfilled in any number of different ways

Ability enhancement internapaths

Ability enhancement internapaths are types of internapaths where you can do things like a super enhanced professional in areas like: music, sports, acting, singing etc.

Dream internapaths

Dream internapaths are types of internapaths that seem like dreams to conscious participants or conscious observers

The list can go on and on into any imaginable area that an internapath can create.

Types of internapaths based on types of realities

The different types of realities can be generated in different ways. There are three major ways to generate a reality they are:

Humans have developed in what appears to be a natural environment with their senses responding to actual environmental changes. This type of reality is nature generated. This is what many people call the actual reality or the way things really are. But nature creates many different physipaths that produce many different perspectives on this ultimate reality that have little to do with this ultimate reality. Natural reality can not produce all the possible sensepaths that can exist directly. Thus it can not produce all of the awarepaths that can possibly exist either.

Realities can be artificially created with sensepaducers that generate the sense input or sensepaths for conscious beings. Electronic devices like computers modify our sensepaths with games, shows and movies. But they, with advancements in technology, will eventually be able to create entire realities by completely modifying the stimulation to the senses. This is modifying the sensepath that modifies the structure and functioning of the brain or equivalent indirectly.

The brain or equivalent conscious producing structure could be directly manipulated to function in certain ways to generate awarepaths that have the experiences of different realities without having to use a sensepath for a reality producer. This is directly modifying the internapath of an itobody or itocomponent.

Realities are viewed by consciousnesses that are created by what our scientific consciousness (consensus) thinks is matter functioning in certain ways. This is the basis for awaretheory's ideas. Awaretheory assumes that there is matter and energy and this matter and energy when structured and then functions correctly can produce an enumerable amount of different consciousnesses most of which will experience and believe that they exist in a different kind of reality than this. If awaretheory is correct it gives the consciousnesses (awarepaths) (conscious beings) that understand and use these ideas the ability to produce the consciousnesses that it wants and to avoid consciousnesses that it does not want to exist.

Many types of realities can be combined at the same time and also exist between different awarepoints (awaresections) on the awarepath alone.

One of the reasons that awaretheory deals with the many different kinds of reality is because one ixperiencitness can experience many different types of realities. This means "you" specifically can experience many different types of realities and you can effect which realities you will experience in the future. You may not directly control which versions of you that get produced in the future. But there are versions of you that you experience because they have your ixperiencitness, that can control which other versions of you are created. The more that we know the better and more desirable awarepaths we can create in the future.

Ultimate internapaths

Ultimate internapaths are sensepaths that create or help create the experience of, or produced by simple realities.

Ultimate sensepaths are sensepaths that controls all other realities. An ultimate reality may not be a simple reality, it may be very complex and even contradictory. We may hope that there is an ultimate reality that is coherent and simple because it would make the creation of the consciousnesses (awarepaths) that we want to make easier.

Simple internapaths

Simple internapaths are internapaths that create or help create the experience of, or produced by simple realities.

is simple to understand and use. It can be applied to any level of reality such as an ultimate reality or a reality that is generated in an awarepaducer. A simple reality might be a coherent magical reality where it is easy to get the changes that you want in the reality with a few simple magical commands or magical processes. even in a magical reality there will often be the desire to understand why the magic works the way that it does. From an external view point the magic is not real but generated. From an internal view point it is important because that is how many things get done in that magical reality.

Complex internapaths

Complex internapaths are internapaths that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Complex realities. They are at the other extreme of simple sensepaths. A complex reality has many rules, laws, variations, etc. Our reality that we seem to exist in is very complex however, we are trying to base it on a few relatively simple physics and mathematics rules, laws, and equations.

Nonsensical internapaths

Nonsensical internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Nonsensical realities. They are sensepaths that does not make sense to the conscious observer or conscious participants.

Coherent internapaths

Coherent internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousnesses (awarepaths) that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Coherent realities. Coherent internapaths produce coherent awarepaths that seem to have cause and effect of events that seem to follow from each other. Unless you have psychological problems with your perception of reality, most people see their reality as coherent from moment to moment. The internapath being an understandable physical object is going to function coherently or understandable no matter what kind of awarepath that it produces. The idea of a coherent reality can be applied to many different types of realities. So a magical reality or supernatural reality can be either coherent or not. Simply put a coherent reality makes sense -- it is understandable. An incoherent reality does not make sense or does not make sense much of the time it is not understandable in rational terms.

Asymptotic internapaths

Asymptotic internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Asymptotic realities. Asymptotic sensepaths are sensepaths that can be extremely different from one moment to the next.

awarepaths experience as their reality, for a period of time or their entire length, that contain different realities that are not connected and are sharply delineated in type or perspective. For example, one moment you can be on earth at the present time with a human body and the next moment you can seem to be on an alien planet at a different time period with a different alien body type. Asymptotic realities can have any number of different changes in the awarepath's reality, each change at a different point on the awarepath. Asymptotic realities are created by asymptotic sensepaths or asymptotic internapaths. Natural environmental realities, what most people experience here on earth, are not likely to be asymptotic realities.

Static internapaths

Static sensepaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Static realities. Static sensepaths are a type of sensepaths where there is little if any change in the sensepath over time. It is like as if time just stopped and every thing in it stopped except for you or your perspective.

Progressional internapaths

Progressional internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Progressional realities. Progressional sensepaths are a type of sensepaths where there is a sense of time progression. Most humans experience this type of sensepath. This is because they see a progression through time like the arrow of time in the naturally created sensepath that they experience --- what you do in the past effects what will happen or what you experience in the future.

Regressional internapaths

Regressional internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Regressional realities. Regressional sensepaths are the opposite of progressional sensepaths. It is a type of reality where there is change in a regressive way.

Successional internapaths

Successional internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Successional realities. Successional sensepaths are a type of sensepaths where there is change in a successive way.

Digressional internapaths

Digressional internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Digressional realities. Digressional sensepaths are a type of sensepaths where there is change in a digressive way.

Progressive internapaths

Progressive internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Progressive realities.

Progressive internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are likethat help produce progressive itofazpaths. Progressive sensepaths are a higher quality sensepath producing a higher quality awarepath. In many cases when you go from a dreaming state to an awake state you going from a lower quality like sensepath to a higher quality sensepath.

Regressive internapaths

Regressive internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness (awarepaths) that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Regressive realities. Regressive internapaths are internapaths that help produce regressive itofazpaths. Regressive internapaths are the opposite of progressive internapaths--- everything happens in reverse like a movie running backwards.

Successive internapaths

Successive internapathsvthat create or help create the experience of, or produced by Successive realities. Successive sensepaths are sensepaths that help produce successive itofazpaths. Successive sensepaths give a sense of going forward in time.

Digressive internapaths

Digressive internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are likethat create or help create the experience of, or produced by Digressive realities. Digressive sensepaths are sensepaths that help produce digressive itofazpaths. Digressive sensepaths are the opposite of successive sensepaths. Digressive sensepaths give a sense of going backwards in time.

Erratic internapaths

Erratic internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Erratic realities. Erratic sensepaths are a combination of different types of reality creating or sustaining sensepaths.

Causeless internapaths

Causeless sensepaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Causeless realities.

Causeless internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like where there does not seem to be causes for things. Things happen with out cause. A static reality would have no changes so there would be no causes for the changes. If some thing changed there would be no perceivable or understandable cause for it. If something moved there would be no friction or object stopping it. It would just stop. Predicting the outcomes of events based on causes would be impossible. You could predict things sometimes. You could predict that things appear to happen without cause. For instance, an object will stop without cause without hitting something. Or the moving object will either pass through the non moving object or disappear and then reappear on the other side without causing any change to anything in the reality.

Effectless internapaths

Effectless internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are likethat create or help create the experience of, or produced by Effectless realities. Effectless sensepaths are sensepaths where events or objects do not effect other events or objects. It can also be the appearance to the conscious observer that things have no effect. The reality that the sensepath produces can actually have effects from causes but they can be at a level that can not be observed. An effectless reality would not be a natural sensepath created reality.

Random internapaths

Random internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Random realities. Random sensepaths are sensepaths where events sensual experiences appear random in occurrence. Random sensepaths by chance can appear to produce a reality that seems to have a purpose or produce or sustain any other reality or sequence of realities.

Purposeless internapaths

Purposeless internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Purposeless realities. Purposeless sensepaths deliberately gives reality a purposeless feeling or sense to all the physapaths that it is applied to. are sensepaths that from the perspective of the conscious observer there seems no purpose to most or all things.

Arbitrary internapaths

Arbitrary internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness(awarepaths) that are like that create or help create the experience of, or produced by arbitrary realities.

Arbitrary internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like where events occur arbitrarily by decisions made in an arbitrary manor but not by the participant or observer of the reality. To many people natural events (like disasters) seem arbitrary. On the other hand many other people believe that natural events are caused by some force beyond nature like a god or gods. If you believe that there is some conscious controlling being like a god, and you think that you are doing what this god wants you to do and then a terrible (natural) thing happens to you, it can seem to you to be god being arbitrary in his actions.

Disordered internapaths

Disordered internapaths are internapaths that create or help create the experiences (awarepaths) produced by Disordered realities.

Disordered internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like where events or experiences are in disorder and the conscious observer is aware of this to some degree. There can be aspects of this consciousness that are ordered for periods of time.

Orderless internapaths

Orderless internapaths are types of internapaths where the consciousnesses (awarepaths) produced has no order in its progression. It can also have no sense of order. The awarepath that the internapath produces can be aware of the orderlessness or not aware of the orderlessness. The internapath itself can be orderless in its functioning under certain circumstances. This orderlessness can viewed as ordered by the conscious participant if the awareness of the disorder is missing because there is no memory of it.

Haphazard internapaths

Haphazard internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Haphazard realities.

Sporadic internapaths

Sporadic internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Sporadic realities.

Aimless internapaths

Aimless internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that create or help create the experience of, or produced by Aimless realities. The conscious participants in this reality are goalless. The sequence of experiences have no sense of goal or purpose. To some people our reality seems aimless. Believing that the purpose of the world is aimless is a conscious process. Creating that belief in a conscious being or awarepath by an internapath does not mean that the reality is aimless or pointless. Awaretheory suggests many different possible goals for conscious beings to work toward besides all the other goals that people work toward in their lives.

Undesired internapaths

Undesired internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousnesss that you do not want to experience. But they are not as bad as abhorrent realities.

Abhorrent internapaths

Abhorrent internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousnesss (awarepaths) that you do not want to experience because they might be extremely painful for long periods of time, and, or contain events that are emotionally unpleasant. For instance, emotionally unpleasant or abhorrent events or experiences are like seeing other people or animals suffering (like your own children being tortured).

Designer internapaths

Designer internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousnesss (awarepaths), that are actually created or designed by conscious beings usually for a positive goal of creating a positive awarepath. A positive awarepath would be judged by the awarepath itself to be positive or another awarepath that would know (by subjective and objective experience) that it is a positive awarepath.

Goal oriented internapaths

Goal oriented internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousnesss (awarepaths) that have specific goals that the conscious participant are, or are not aware of, but nonetheless are part of their motivation. Goal oriented internapaths can be created by itocomponents that produce awarepaths that seem to acomplish physical goals but in fact are totally unconnected to physical reality.

Purposeful internapaths

Purposeful internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousnesss that are purposeful. They seem to give the awarepaths that they produce a sense of purpose to their conscious existence.

Base internapaths

Base internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like original concept where there is a starting point on a continuum of possible internapaths. It could be defined as the internapath that is creating the consciousness that you are experiencing right now. It can be any internapath where a conscious being starts the consideration of his awarecontinuum. It is the internapath that a conscious being views his conscious existence from.

Normal internapaths

Normal internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousnesss where there is cause and effect and a sense of continuousness from past events into future events.

Enhanced internapaths

Enhanced internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousnesss that are enhanced.

what conscious beings (humans) experience are controlled by what we experience through our limited senses. Enhanced realities not only can have enhanced sensepaths but will likely have enhanced physipaths as well. The reality that we appear to exist is enhanced in the sense that it appears that there are many different conscious perspectives that are created at any one time. This means that we using the same realty, if we ourselves were more enhanced we would see more of this complex enhanced reality that we exist in.

Natural internapaths

Natural internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousnesss that have natural scenes and experiences in them. Most humans experience natural realities.

Desired internapaths

Desired internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousnesss that are desired.

The curent sensepaths that most people experience is likely a desired reality. People may wish to be happier, richer, healthier, younger, live longer, and want the same for others, but they want to do it in this world, in this reality.

Supernatural internapaths

Supernatural internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that contain supernatural experiences. Supernatural internapaths are types of internapathss that contain ghosts, gods, mythical unicorns and or other supernatural concepts in ways that make them seem very real to the conscious participants. They are much more real and scientifically supported (believable) than they are in our present reality. Gods, ghosts, souls vampires etc., actually seem to be real and interactive with you in a coherent fashion.

Magical internapaths

Magical internapaths] are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that contain Magical experiences. Magical experiences are types of experiencess that cannot happen in reality because they seem to counter the natural physical laws. Magical internapaths usually create positive experiences for the conscious participant since in a created reality why not let you, your friends or allies control the magic? Over all there should be the same amount of negative consciousness producing magical internapathss as there are positive consciousness producing magical internapathss, for conscious participants. Why then should or would there be more positive magical internapathss produced than negative magical internapathss? This is because the magical awarepath producing internapathss will be produced by an physapaducer or neuropaducer that is deliberately made by conscious beings thus there has to be desire or need for this type of awarepath to be produced. Consequently the magica awarepaths produce will most likely be positive in nature. The conscious beings that seem to suffer because of the use of magic can be part of the consciousness alone produced by the internapath without actually consciously existing and thus suffering. Also on the other hand the physapaducer creating the internapaths that are producing the awarepaths could reduce or elimanite the actual suffering that is happening and only make it appear to be occurring to the users of the magic.

contain what appears to be magic and magical abilities in a coherent reality. Why name and distinguish magical realities? It seems that magical realities can be desired realities (realities that we want to experience). They are realities that nature can not directly produce --- they have to be created in an awarepaducer. The magical aspect is partially the ability to obtain things that you normally could not have or achieve. You might call magical realities an amusement park for consciousnesses (awarepaths). The existence and improvement of video games and television show etc., show that we want to experience things beyond our current life's reality. What awaretheory shows is that these experiences do not have to be connected to this your current body's life.

Hallucinational internapaths

Hallucinational internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like hallucinations. Imagine experiencing your life and then on top of that consciousness is superimposed hallucinations of any imagined type. Hallucinations are usually considered as seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting things that are not there. You can experience them and know that they are not there or actually believe that they are a real part of the environment.

Dream like internapaths

Dream like internapaths are types of internapaths that produce the consciousness that are like dreams. Dreams can have many different qualities that can make the dreams positive or not. In our dreams we can experience many things that we can not in our awaken state such as flying and not getting hurt when we fall. We can even have magic like abilities. Or interacting with what we assume are people that have died.

Types of internaspaces, Types of internamoments, Types of internasections, Types of internavenues, Types of internaregions, Types of internacontinuums, Types of internamulticontinuums

file Template:See also: potential realities

Types of realities, Types of sensepaths, Types of internapaths

Template: potential realities, Template: Types of realities, Template: Types of sensepaths, Template: Types of internapaths,

sensepaducers, itofazpaducers, awarepaducers, physapaducers, neuropaducers, epipaducers, ixpepaducers, internapaducer

ultimate reality, simple reality, complex reality, nonsensical reality, coherent realities, asymptotic realities, static realities, progressional realities, regressional realities, successional realities, digressional realities, progressive realities, digressive realities, regressive realities, erratic realities, causeless realities, effectless realities, random realities, purposeless realities, arbitrary realities, disordered realities, orderless realities, haphazard realities, sporadic realities, aimless realities, undesired realities, abhorrent realities, designer realities, goal oriented realities, purposeful realities, base realities, normal realities, enhanced realities, natural realities, desired realities, supernatural realities, magical realities, hallucinational realities, dream like realities,

ultimate sensepaths, simple sensepaths, complex sensepaths, nonsensical sensepaths, coherent sensepaths, asymptotic sensepaths, static sensepaths, progressional sensepaths, regressional sensepaths, successional sensepaths, digressional sensepaths, progressive sensepaths, digressive sensepaths, regressive sensepaths, erratic sensepaths, causeless sensepaths, effectless sensepaths, random sensepaths, purposeless sensepaths, arbitrary sensepaths, disordered sensepaths, orderless sensepaths, haphazard sensepaths, sporadic sensepaths, aimless sensepaths, undesired sensepaths, abhorrent sensepaths, designer sensepaths, goal oriented sensepaths, purposeful sensepaths, base sensepaths, normal sensepaths, enhanced sensepaths, natural sensepaths, desired sensepaths, supernatural sensepaths, magical sensepaths, hallucinational sensepaths, dream like sensepaths,

ultimate internapaths, simple internapaths, complex internapaths, nonsensical internapaths, coherent internapaths, asymptotic internapaths, static internapaths, progressional internapaths, regressional internapaths, successional internapaths, digressional internapaths, progressive internapaths, digressive internapaths, regressive internapaths, erratic internapaths, causeless internapaths, effectless internapaths, random internapaths, purposeless internapaths, arbitrary internapaths, disordered internapaths, orderless internapaths, haphazard internapaths, sporadic internapaths, aimless internapaths, undesired internapaths, abhorrent internapaths, designer internapaths, goal oriented internapaths, purposeful internapaths, base internapaths, normal internapaths, enhanced internapaths, natural internapaths, desired internapaths, supernatural internapaths, magical internapaths, hallucinational internapaths, dream like internapaths,

ultimate internapaths, simply progressing, complexly progressing, nonsensically progressing, coherently progressing, asymptotically progressing, statically progressing, progressional internapaths, regressional internapaths, successional internapaths, digressional internapaths, progressive internapaths, digressive internapaths, regressive internapaths, erratically progressing, causelessly progressing, effectlessly progressing, randomly progressing, purposelessly progressing, arbitrarily progressing, disorderedly progressing, orderlessly progressing, haphazardly progressing, sporadically progressing, aimlessly progressing, undesired internapaths, abhorrently progressing, designer progressing, goal oriented progressing, purposefully progressing, base internapaths, normally progressing, enhanced progressing, naturally progressing, desired progressing, supernaturally progressing, magically progressing, hallucinational progressing, dream like progressing,

Age of Awareness