Moment Concept

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It takes time for the body to produce conscious. The amount of time it take varies depending on different factors. A body that does not change does not produce consciousness because it takes functioning to occur before consciousness is produced. The itofazmoment concept is a type of itofazspace concept that is usually as the shortest amount of functioning that is required to produce any amount of consciousness. Some types of itobodies will produce consciousness faster than others. Because of time dilation do to the speed of an object the faster an itobrain moves through space the slower will be the consciousness produced bye the itobrain. A finite amount of itoawaremoments can be tied to form many different awaresections or awarepaths. There can be any real number of itofazpoints that make up an itofazmoment. There will be a finite amount of itofazmoments that make up a finite length itofazsection or itofazpath or finite size itofazregion or itofazvenue or itofazcontinuum.

Since there are different sizes of infinite numbers there can be different infinite grouping of itofazmoments by grouping itofazmoments is different sets. These different infinite groupings of itofazmoments can be organized into itofazcontinuums itofazmulticontinuums

see also: momentconcept