Survival through time

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Survival through time can be specifically applied to the consciousness that experiences being connected to a specific body. But there is a lot more to survival than experiencing being this corporal body. You could experience having any body or not experience having any body. What is important is that you experience something. If you do not experience something ever again there is no survival into the future for you. There can be periods of time where you do not experience anything or at least do not remember being conscious but this is the experience that of not having an experience of being conscious after the fact. You have to be conscious to be aware of having in the past not been conscious. You do not see other peoples consciousness. You only see their body. Survival of other people for you is a matter of you seeing their bodies as alive. If they were not conscious it would not matter because they would still be behaving like they were and their behavior is the only way that you can see that they are surviving consciously or not.

Survival through time of a conscious being, at the very least, requires that there be periods of time where the person is conscious. However using the term person biases the whole concept because being a person refers to a body.