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Itoinconsistencies are where there are no clear itoboundaries for the results of the experiments. The results are hit and miss. These different abnormal results can be any where with in expecontinuum. Itoinconsistencies can be in the form of expepoints, expelines, expeplanes, expevolumes, expemultivolumes, or expemulticomplexes.

Itoboundaries are where there is a clear and distinct dividing line where on one side there is one result and on the other there is a different result from the grouping of experiments. Itoboundaries can be in the form of expepoints, expelines, expeplanes, expevolumes, expemultivolumes, or expemulticomplexes.

Itoanomalies are where the results are not rational in the sense that there does not appear to be a logical scientific explanation for the result or results of the experiment or experiments. Itoanomalies can be in the form of expepoints, expelines, expeplanes, expevolumes, expemultivolumes, or expemulticomplexes.

Itodiscontinuities are where the results are drastically different than expected at one or more expepoints in the expecontinuum . There can even be places where there are no results in the expecontinuum. Itodiscontinuities can be in the form of expepoints, expelines, expeplanes, expevolumes, expemultivolumes, or expemulticomplexes.

An Expecontinuum is a itocontinuum of expepaths. It is a continuum structure of experiments. An expecontinuum will or can show expeboundaries, expeanomalies, expeinconsistencies, and expediscontinuities.

See also itoboundaries, itoanomalies, itoinconsistencies, itodiscontinuities, expeboundaries, expeanomalies, expeinconsistencies, expediscontinuities, itoexpeboundaries, itoexpeanomalies, itoexpeinconsistencies, and itoexpediscontinuities