Sensepath equivalency proofs/arguments

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Sensepath equivalency proofs/arguments

No change proof/ argument for sensepath equivalency: Some sensepaths can be so similar, but still different from each other, that it creates no changes in the physapath it effects.

Small change proof/ argument for sensepath equivalency: There are numerous very small changes in the structure and or functioning that they are not large enough to produce a change in the behaviorpath, awarepath, ixperiencitness, or ixpepath. Some sensepaths can be so similar that the changes it produces in the physapath or neuropath of an itobody will not be large enough to effect the behaviorpath awarepath and ixperiencitness

Canceling out proof/ argument for sensepath equivalency: When there are numerous changes to a system some of the changes can cancel out the other changes making a neutral over all effect on the behaviorpath, awarepath, ixperiencitness, or ixpepath.

Transformational proof/ argument for sensepath equivalency: Can only one complex system of structure and functioning of matter produce a specific behaviorpath, awarepath, ixperiencitness, or ixpepath. We can imagine a computer producing a specific behaviorpath and not a brain. If we consider all the very different ways the same behviorpatrh can be created there could be some that produce the same awarepath and ixperiencitness.

Distance proof/ argument for sensepath equivalency: Some differences in the sensual stimulation are so far away in distance from the human body or itobody that they will not effect the behaviorpath, awarepath, ixperiencitness, or ixpepath.

Convergence and divergence proof/ argument for sensepath equivalency: As the structure and functioning of the itobody changes