Secularism and Awaretheory

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Secularism and Awaretheory

Secular humanism.jpg
If god or gods exist do they directly control their own consciousnesses and ixperiencitnesses?
Religions have a tendency to be anti-science, dogmatic, conservative and against new ideas and ways of living. They claim that with out religions there would not be morals. Society would fall apart. Awaretheory concludes that science is necessary for the survival of conscious beings as a society and for life after death and immortality for the individual. Since awaretheory shows us that we are much more than what our consciousness is at this moment and this life, awaretheory gives good reasons to have hight standards of morals in terms of taking care of the planet earth, the universe, and other conscious beings, besides making each conscious moment of our existence as good as possible. Why take care of he earth and make it a better place to live? Because this is where our life after death will be produced. Why be good to others conscious beings? Because they can be versions of ourselves with our ixperiencitness. When they suffer we suffer! We as conscious beings are more than this present moment of consciousness. Why should we make each consciousness as good as possible? You owe it to the conscious versions of yourself that will never exist. It's not about happiness because your present happiness can cause all sorts of displeasure in the future. It is about problem solving. Problem solving needs knowledge. Knowledge comes or is produced by way of the scientific process. The goal is about having a good and varied life and then continuing to produce that good life into the future with and for the many different versions of yourself and the many different versions of your loved ones. The many different versions of yourself are not limited by simple experiences on earth. The awarepaths that you can experience are many and varied and we have a moral responsibility to allow these versions of yourself to eventually exist. Not only do they have a right to exist they can also be very useful in problem solving and in accomplishing tasks that you in your current type of body cannot.

God is undefined or very poorly defined for most religions!
Imaginary god friend.jpg
Awaretheory claims that we do not need god or gods for life after death or immortality for any conscious beings. Awaretheory states that what is necessary for life after death for any original or you is the creation by nature or any conscious beings of one of the correct neuropaths. This can be done in many different ways by many different types of itobodies or in an awarepaducer. If you believe in god or gods this is apparently how he made things and he (they) apparently wants us to know this information now.

Secular humanism words 1.jpg
Secular humanism statement.jpg

Atheists anti immortality statements

Religions are limited world views or belief systems. The ideas of Awaretheory are not limited.
Secular humanism athesist statement.jpg

Science is all about questioning ideas and replacing them with better ideas. That is what makes science different from religion
Secular humanism 2.jpg



Pages with images

The purpose of this section is to give different ways of looking at some of the ideas presented in awaretheory that are not just all words, definitions, or equations. Sometimes shorts statements with a picture can sometimes help in the understanding of new, different, complex, misunderstood, or forgotten ideas. The ideas in awaretheory can effect many other sciences, beliefs, ideas, And many of the new ideas in science mathematics and technology can effect some of the developing ideas in awaretheory.

Types of pages <------------Pages with Images------------>
Conscious existence Death and Awaretheory Life after death and Awaretheory Immortality and Awaretheory Reincarnation and Awaretheory
Types of Life after Death Itofazcontinuance and Awaretheory Itofazextension and Awaretheory Itofazenhancement and Awaretheory Itofazrepetition and Awaretheory
Itofazhistorality and Awaretheory Itofazfuturality and Awaretheory Itofazquondamality and Awaretheory Itofazprospectality and Awaretheory
Religion beliefs God and Awaretheory Religion and Awaretheory Hell and Awaretheory Heaven and Awaretheory
Non religious beliefs Secularism and Awaretheory Skepticism and Awaretheory Humanism and Awaretheory Secular Humanism and Awaretheory
Supernatural ideas Supernatural concepts and Awaretheory Deja vu and Awaretheory Near Death Experiences and Awaretheory Previous lives and Awaretheory
Emotions Love and Awaretheory Hate and Awaretheory Happiness and Awaretheory Fear and Awaretheory
Other Conscious beings Aliens and Awaretheory Animals and Awaretheory Synthesized Conscious Beings and Awaretheory Simple Materialism and Awaretheory
Possible experiences Fiction and Awaretheory Fantasy and Awaretheory Magic and Awaretheory Science Fiction and Awaretheory
Applications Utopia and Awaretheory Space Travel and Awaretheory Time Travel and Awaretheory Epistemology and Awaretheory
Experimentation Itofazexperiments and Awaretheory Experipaths and Awaretheory Expericontinuums and Awaretheory Experidiscontinuities, Experianomalies and Awaretheory
Science Knowledge and Awaretheory Science and Awaretheory Mathematics and Awaretheory Technology and Awaretheory
Teleportation and Awaretheory Quantum Mechanics and Awaretheory Time and Awaretheory Multiverses and Awaretheory
New concepts Itofazcontinuums and Awaretheory Itofazvenues and Awaretheory Itofazpaths and Awaretheory Itofazmoments and Awaretheory
Itofazmapping and Awaretheory Itofazterrains and Awaretheory Sensespaces and Awaretheory Internaspaces and Awaretheory
Externaspaces and Awaretheory Conscious Enhancement and Awaretheory Memories and Awaretheory Itofazpaducers and Awaretheory
Injurypaths and Awaretheory Diseasepaths and Awaretheory Chemicalpaths and Awaretheory Sensepaths and Awaretheory
Ethics and Morals Free will and Awaretheory Evil, Punishment and Awaretheory Ethics and Awaretheory Morals and Awaretheory
Culture Culture and Awaretheory Existentialism and Awaretheory Religious Tolerance and Awaretheory Belief System Tolerance and Awaretheory
Analogies and Processes VCR analogy Occam's razor Fitoprocess and Awaretheory Caresphere and Awaretheory
Supporting Evidence and Arguments Time travel experiments Assemble Line Argument It's Only a Replica Argument Matter is Magical Argument
Subjective Evidence of Multiplicity Sting Theory and Awaretheory Directed Evolution and Awaretheory Simultaneous Multiplicity of Ixperiencitness
Other wiki page experiments Diagram superlist Constructing sites with images Quantum Entanglement and Awaretheory