Is the universe a cold uncaring place if there are no gods

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Is the universe a cold uncaring place if there are no gods? It is proposed by many religious people that the universe without gods is a cruel uncaring place to consciously exist. A universe can be cold and uncaring if the gods that are supposed to exist are not caring and are cruel to humans and other conscious beings. The existence or non existence of gods does not necessarily make the universe a kind and caring place to exist in. Gods could exist and just be indifferent to the problems that conscious beings suffer through being cold toward man but not cruel. If god or gods created the universe the way it is and now are indifferent to the suffering that they have create they are themselves they are themselves cold and uncaring.

Can a universe that is just random groupings of matter and energy be caring without having gods? Does the process of caring require the universe to be conscious and even god like? What would be the properties of a cold and uncaring universe compared to a loving caring universe that does not have any gods. These concepts caring and uncaring can be applied to individuals or to groups of individuals. An individual person can have a terrible life. From his perspective the universe will be cold and uncaring. There can be a seemly endless amounts of people that have this kind of life. Even people that can say that they have what might be called a good life have likely suffered through many unpleasant experiences of pain and suffering and lose of loved objects, animals, and people. Even in good lives you do not get everything that you want, when you want it, and eventually you will permanently die.

Can a universe have a predetermined positive progression of events without being conscious or aware of this ultimate direction or at least unaware of this to begin with? Can the conscious beings that are eventually created by this universe, not see this positive progression and only see the random suffering that these conscious beings endure, concluding that this universe is cold and uncaring?

The ixperiencit theory of consciousness and the science of superimmortality that is based on it, creates a entirely new and radically different but very encouraging perspective on the nature of the universe. The universe turns out not to be a cold uncaring place for conscious beings to exist but a challenging positive place to consciously exist in. How can all the suffering that conscious animals including humans endure ever be positive in any way? Dying is considered bad, but it is a way to get away from the awful parts of being conscious such as pain, suffering, extreme depression, etc. The bad things in life force us to modify our behavior, often in ways that help us survive and reproduce. We make a conscious effort to avoid the bad things in life and to pursue the good things.

If we look at the universe as cold and uncaring place because it is unfair toward the individual, and can turn unbearably and continuously awful at any point in any person's life,

Superimmortality shows that without any supernatural objects or concepts like gods or souls there exist an enumerably large grouping of potential consciousnesses for each ixperiencitness. These awarepaths can be produced randomly by nature where survival will be the dominate controlling factor. What likely will occur, under these circumstances, are many conscious experiences that will be difficult to endure and often end in death. This is the stage that most people are in today. Being conscious of these circumstances most people strive to make life better by not making so many mistakes in their actions. For example, if you fall you can hurt or kill yourself so try hard not to fall. Also make your environment so it does not make it easier to fall for not only for yourself and for other you care about. Because you do suffer when others hurt themselves.

We know that there are many of our experiences that are interspaced through our lives that can be positive in many different ways. For example, there are many pleasurable, interesting, helpful, useful, loving, caring, joyful, happy, content, amazing, etc., experiences we can have. Through being conscious and learning from our experiences we can understand how to make life better and better. Some level of suffering might make life better in the end. But most of the suffering and other useless bad experiences in a human life can be reduced eliminated or replaced with useful positive experiences.

Knowing that you can make future lives that you, your loved ones, and others that you care about, will experience better, gives this current life, at the very least, more purpose and meaning.