Introduction to Itoproduction equations

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Itoproduction equations are consciousness and ixperiencitness production related equations.

Itoproduction equations are equations that deal with how the different aspects of production of itobodies effect the behavior, consciousness, and ixperiencitness of itobodies. there are several types of groupings of itoproduction equations they are itocreation equations, Itomodality equations, Itoautochthonality equations, Itocausality equations, Itoerudition equations.

 : is the symbol for itoautochthonality as the question of where the itobody comes from or was reated.

 : is the symbol for itoperoration as the question of when the itobody existed.

 : is the symbol for itocausality as the question why did the itobody get produced or come to be in the first place.

 : is the symbol for itocreation as the question of who or what produced or created the itobody.

 : is the symbol for itomodality as the question as to how the itobody was produced.

 : is the symbol for Itoerudition as the question for what was the knowledge used to produced the itobody.

is the symbol that represents the actual place that the itobody was produced or comes from: itoautochthonality.

is the symbol that represents when the itobody was produced: itoperoration.

is the symbol that represents why the itobody was produced in the first place: itocausality.

is the symbol that represents who or what produced or created the itobody: itocreation.

is the symbol that represents how the itobody was produced: itomodality.

is the symbol that represents the knowledge about the itobody and the knowledge used to produce it: Itoerudition.

Itoautochthonality -- Where the itobody was produced, created or comes from effects the consciousness and ixperiencitness produced by the itobody.

itoperoration-- When the itobody was produced

Itocreation--How, who or what created the itobody effects the consciousness and ixperiencitness produced by the itobody .

Itocausality-- How, why the itobody was made or produced, effects the consciousness and ixperiencitness produced by the itobody.

Itomodality -- How the itobody was created effects the consciousness and ixperiencitness produced by the itobody.

Itoerudition -- How knowledge about the itobody before, during, and after the production of the itobody effects the consciousness and ixperiencitness produced by the itobody

The combination of the two symbols and into represents any number from 0 on, of very small changes that do not change the resulting structure and functioning enough to change the mentality produced by the itobody.

The combination of the two symbols and into represents any number from 0 on, of changes in the structure and functioning that cancel out each other so that the itobody continues to have the same mentality.

is the symbol for the mutual change cancelation concept. This is where the sum of the different changes that could individually effect the mentality that the itobody produces cancel themselves out so that even though the over all structure and functioning of the system is different the mentality stays the same

is the symbol for the mutual change cancelation concept for an itospace. This is where the sum of the different changes that could individually effect the mentality that the itobody produces cancel themselves out so that even though the over all structure and functioning of the system is different the mentality stays the same

is the symbol for the mutual change cancelation concept for an itopoint. This is where the sum of the different changes that could individually effect the mentality that the itopoint produces cancel themselves out so that even though the over all structure and functioning of the system is different the mentality stays the same.

is the symbol for the mutual change cancelation concept for an itomoment. This is where the sum of the different changes that could individually effect the mentality that the itomoment produces cancel themselves out so that even though the over all structure and functioning of the system is different the mentality stays the same.

is the symbol for the mutual change cancelation concept for an itosection. This is where the sum of the different changes that could individually effect the mentality that the itosection produces cancel themselves out so that even though the over all structure and functioning of the system is different the mentality stays the same.

is the symbol for the mutual change cancelation concept for an itopath. This is where the sum of the different changes that could individually effect the mentality that the itopath produces cancel themselves out so that even though the over all structure and functioning of the system is different the mentality stays the same.

is the symbol for the mutual change cancelation concept for an itovenue. This is where the sum of the different changes that could individually effect the mentality that the itovenue produces cancel themselves out so that even though the over all structure and functioning of the system is different the mentality stays the same.

is the symbol for the mutual change cancelation concept for an itoregion. This is where the sum of the different changes that could individually effect the mentality that the itoregion produces cancel themselves out so that even though the over all structure and functioning of the system is different the mentality stays the same.

is the symbol for the mutual change cancelation concept for an itocontinuum. This is where the sum of the different changes that could individually effect the mentality that the itocontinuum produces cancel themselves out so that even though the over all structure and functioning of the system is different the mentality stays the same.

is the symbol for the mutual change cancelation concept for an itomulticontinuum. This is where the sum of the different changes that could individually effect the mentality that the itomulticontinuum produces cancel themselves out so that even though the over all structure and functioning of the system is different the mentality stays the same.

The combination of the two symbols represents any number from 0 on, of major changes to structure and functioning that do not change the mentality of the itobody.

\diagup \diagdown

represents the symbol for a no change in the mentality for a particular physapath

represent the symbol for a no change in the mentality for a particular venue or grouping of physapaths

represent the symbol for a no change in the ixperiencitness but a change in the consciousness for a particular physavenue or grouping of physapaths

represent the symbol for a no change in the ixperiencitness but a change in the consciousness for a particular physapath.

See also:

Itoequations, Oriequations, Idoequations, Coriequations, Citoequations, Vitoequations, Fitoequations, Isoequations, Enhaequations, Musequations, Insiequations, Tritoequations, Nrgequations, Comboequations, and Simiequations,

Itosynchronization equations, Itofuturality equations, Itohistorality equations, Itotimultiplicity equations, Itocelerity equations, Itoquondamality equations, Itoprospectality equations, Itosimultaneousness equations, Itoretrogression equations, Itotemporality equations, Itorepetition equations Itoreversion equations, Itoprogression equations, Itosucession equations,

Fazequations physiequations, physaequations, awarequations, mentaequations, ixpequations, epiequations,

fazmapping, itomapping, itofazmapping, itomapping equations, fazmapping equations, itofazmapping equations,

faztransformation, itotransformation, itofaztransformation, itotransformation equations, faztransformation equations, itofaztransformation equations

Fazsynchronization equations, Fazfuturality equations, Fazhistorality equations, Faztimultiplicity equations, Fazcelerity equations, Fazquondamality equations, Fazprospectality equations, Fazsimultaneousness equations, Fazretrogression equations, Faztemporality equations, Fazrepetition equations Fazreversion equations, Fazprogression equations, Fazsucession equations,

Itoinception equations, Itoexordium equations, Itocreation equations, Itomodality equations, Itoautochthonality equations, Itocausality equations, Itoerudition equations,

Itocontinuance equations, Itoextension equations, Itocontinuity equations, Itodiscontinuity equations, Itoidentity equations, Itosimidentity equations, Itosimicontinuance equations, Itosimiextension equations, Itosimicontinuity equations, Itosimidiscontinuity equations,

Itoconvergence equations, Itodivergence equations, Itomultivergence equations, Itosimiconvergence equations, Itosimidivergence equations, Itomultisimivergence equations, itocrossdivergence equations, itocrossconvergence equations, itosimimultivergence equations, itocrossmultivergence equations, itosimicrossmultivergence equations,

Fazconvergence equations, Fazdivergence equations, Fazmultivergence equations, Fazsimiconvergence equations, Fazsimidivergence equations, Fazmultisimivergence equations, Fazcrossdivergence equations, Fazcrossconvergence equations, Fazsimimultivergence equations, Fazcrossmultivergence equations, Fazsimicrossmultivergence equations,

Behavior equations, Consciousness equations, Ixperiencitness equations, Mentality equations,