Concept transformation process

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Concept transformation process is the process where by a Concept transformation continuum is produced.

The first step in the concept transformation process is listing the different transformational categories.

The second step is combining the total transformational categories into a list for both concepts.

The third step increasing the and decreasing transformational categories in any desired amount.

Some concepts will be easy to form a Contrancontinuum for like two red balls, one larger and redder than the other. The tranformation catagories will be redness, size, placement, and material make up. Other transformational categories can be though up, created, or discovered, depending on the need and use of the contranconcepts.

Other concepts like a thought and a rock are much different different than red balls. They are not similar at all. Their transformational categories will be very different. When we combine the transformational categories in step two there will be many that have a zero value. for instance a though has zero for the category of being an object. where as a rock has zero in the category of being a produced by a brain. The category can vary because the meaning of the concepts can vary as well. The concept "though" is vague as is the concept of "rock". The definitions of the concept is defined by the transitional categories used in the transformation process.

Related terms Contrancontinuum, contranpath, contranpoint, contranvenue, contransection, contranregion

Concept transformation process

Concept transformation continuum

Concept transformation continuum mathematics

Category Concept transformation