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At any point along the awarepath a very large amount of possible different awarepaths can diverge with the same ixperiencitness

An awarepath is the consciousness that a physipath, physapath, or neuropath produces or what a person (or other conscious being) experiences over his conscious life time. The awarepath stretches over time like the physipath, physapath and neuropath. It is one of the most important concepts for understanding conscious existence, survival over time, life after death, and immortality scientifically. Most objects do not produce awarepaths. If two or more people or other conscious beings have the same awarepath they have the same consciousness over time. Two different conscious beings that have the same awarepath will call themselves by the same name. They will have the same thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions, apparent behavior, memories and all other conscious attributes. but most important they have the same ixperiencitness or ixpepath.

The prefix and suffix used for this word are aware and path. Other suffixes that can be applied are the ito

I will be using a few graphic aids to help present these ideas. Below you will see a singular path or line which for all intent and purposes will represent an awarepath. A little more graphically elegant than nessasary, but it will help depict the essence of each of these concepts, in their own complexity. Below is a simple line or path of your consciousness. It represents the thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions, apparent behavior, memories and all other conscious attributes over time as the line streches from the left to the right. As we explore these concepts we will see basic and complex interactions with this line -- awarepath. It is a starting point or building block for may topics to follow. It could have been different than it was. It does not have to be a straight line.

Most awarepaths map to an ixperiencitness or ixpepath. The ixpepath of an awarepath does not have to be simple or identical over it length. If two different awarepaths have the same ixperiencitness then they are conscious versions of each other. Conscious versions of you is what awaretheory predicts allows for life after death, immortality, and multiplicity of your conscious existence.

For other current depictions please see:



The awarepath is your current lifetime. Any awarepath can be extended by extending the original's awarepath which is achieved by extending the original's physapath or neuropath. it can also be extended by a cidentireplica or videntireplica of the original. There are also other ways of extending the conscious existence of each conscious being such as by way of isoidentireplicas, enhaidentireplicas, nrgidentireplicas, fidentireplicas, musidentireplicas, comboidentireplicas and insidentireplicas.

An awarepath is a type of fazspace.

Fazspace is a grouping concept made up of two parts. "Faz" pronounced like the word "phase". And the word "space" which represents a measurement of consciousness and ixperiencitness and what produces them. Faz is the grouping prefix for the concepts and corresponding prefixes of physi, physa, aware, menta, ixpe, and epi. The first two prefixes deal with the production of consciousness. The second two prefixes deal with the actual consciousness produced. The fifth prefix represents the ixperiencitness concept. The sixth prefix deals with knowledge about the ixperiencitness consciousness and how they are produced. Remember there is no knowledge without some type of consciousness that understands, processes, and uses it.

See also: Itospace, Itofazspace, Itointernafazspace, Itoexternafazspace, Itosensefazspace, Itoqmfazspace.

Fazspace is a grouping name for:

Fazpoint is a grouping of a physipoint, physapoint, awarepoint, mentapoint, ixpepoint, epipoint.

Fazmoment is a grouping of a physimoment, physamoment, awaremoment, mentamoment, ixpemoment, epimoment.

Fazsection is a grouping of a physisection, physasection, awaresection, mentasection, ixpesection, episection.

Fazpath is a grouping of a physipath, physapath, awarepath, mentapath, ixpepath, epipath.

Fazvenue is a grouping of a physivenue, physavenue, awarevenue, mentavenue, ixpevenue, epivenue.

Fazregion is a grouping of a physiregion, physaregion, awareregion, mentaregion, ixperegion, epiregion.

Fazcontinuum is a grouping of a physicontinuum, physacontinuum, awarecontinuum, mentacontinuum, ixpecontinuum, epicontinuum.

Physispace is any size space from a physipoint to a physimulticontinuum.

Physipoint is a point in a physispace.

Physimoment it is the smallest section of physipath that produces consciousness.

Physisection is larger than a physimoment but smaller than a physipath; it is a section of a physipath.

Physipath usually corresponds to a complete life time of a conscious being like a human.

Physivenue is a concept based grouping of physipaths.

Physiregion a physispace smaller than a physicontinuum but larger than a physivenue. It does not have to contain complete physipaths.

Physicontinuum is a total grouping of physispaces.

Physimulticontinuum is a grouping of Physicontinuum.

Physaspace is any size space from a physapoint to a physamulticontinuum.

Physapoint is a point in a physaspace.

Physamoment it is the smallest section of physapath that produces consciousness.

Physasection is larger than a physamoment but smaller than a physapath; it is a section of a physapath.

Physapath usually corresponds to a complete life time of a conscious being like a human.

Physavenue is a concept based grouping of physapaths.

Physaregion is a physaspace smaller than a physacontinuum but larger than a physavenue. It does not have to contain complete physapaths.

Physacontinuum is a total grouping of physaspaces

Physamulticontinuum is a grouping of Physacontinuums

Awarespace is any size space from an awarepoint to an awaremulticontinuum.

Awarepoint is a point in an awarespace.

Awaremoment it is the smallest section of an awarepath that is conscious.

Awaresection is larger than an awaremoment but smaller than an awarepath; it is a section of an awarepath.

Awarepath usually corresponds to a complete conscious life time of a being like a human.

Awarevenue is a concept based grouping of awarepaths.

Awareregion is an awarespace smaller than an awarecontinuum but larger than an awarevenue. It does not have to contain complete awarepaths.

Awarecontinuum is a total grouping of awarespaces.

Awaremulticontinuum is a total grouping of Awarecontinuum.

Mentaspace is any size space from a mentapoint to a mentamulticontinuum.

Mentapoint is a point in a mentaspace.

Mentamoment it is the smallest section of a mentapath that is conscious.

Mentasection is larger than a mentamoment but smaller than a mentapath; it is a section of a mentapath.

Mentapath usually corresponds to a complete life time of a conscious being like a human.

Mentavenue is a concept based grouping of mentapaths.

Mentaregion is a mentaspace smaller than a mentacontinuum but larger than a mentavenue. It does not have to contain complete mentapaths.

Mentacontinuum is a total grouping of mentaspaces.

Mentamulticontinuum is a total grouping of Mentacontinuums.

Ixpespace is any size space from an ixpepoint to an ixpemulticontinuum.

Ixpepoint is a point in an ixpespace.

Ixpemoment it is the smallest section of ixpepath that produces consciousness.

Ixpesection is larger than a ixpemoment but smaller than a ixpepath; it is a section of a ixpepath.

Ixpepath usually corresponds to the ixperiencitness of a complete life time of a conscious being like a human.

Ixpevenue is a concept based grouping of ixpepaths.

Ixperegion is a ixpespace smaller than an ixpecontinuum but larger than a ixpevenue. It does not have to contain complete ixpepaths.

Ixpecontinuum is a total grouping of ixpespaces.

Ixpemulticontinuum is a total grouping of Ixpecontinuums.

Epispace is knowledge about a fazspace and, or itospace.

Epipoint is knowledge about a fazpoint and, or itopoint.

Epimomenti is knowledge about a fazmoment and, or itomoment.

Episection is knowledge about a fazsection and, or itosection.

Epipath is knowledge about a fazpath and, or itopath.

Epivenue is knowledge about a fazvenue and, or itovenue.

Epiregion is knowledge about a fazregion and, or itoregion.

Epicontinuum is knowledge about a fazcontinuum and, or itocontinuum.

Epimulticontinuum is knowledge about a fazmulticontinuum and, or itomulticontinuum.