The word Superimmortality was created because the word immortality was not adequate to describe the consequences of awaretheory based on the concepts that some structures and functionings of matter are what produces consciousness and ixperiencitness. Immortality is based on not being mortal, and being mortal means eventually dying. There are two distinctly different aspects of mortality. First, your mortality form the perspective of other conscious beings, and second your mortality from your own conscious perspective. We (conscious beings) see each other die. This means that we no longer see a body act like it is alive (animated, communicative, etc.). To see and understand death, we have to be conscious. What we do not perceive consciously is what happens to the consciousness that was being produced by the dead body (or the consciousness that we assume was being produced by the dead body before death). What happens when you die is that the body no longer functions in the correct way to produce consciousness, and eventually no longer even has the right structure for producing the right functioning to produce consciousness. What it takes to produce a consciousness that you experience before or after death is not what you believe to be your one and only particular body but one or more of a very large grouping of the right structures and functioning of matter being produced by any body!
Technically no one can be immortal because no one's body will exist forever without dying periodically; we are thus all mortal. If however, we consciously exist over and over again with different bodies producing a consciousness that we experience then we are supermortal. Superimmortality is more than just supermortality. It is not just that you can consciously exist by being produced in other bodies over and over again, it means that there are an enumerable amount different consciousnesses that you have, are, or will experience when they are produced by the right structures and functionings of matter. They can be experienced at the same time, or any time or place in the universe or multiverse where the correct corresponding structure and functioning of matter is produced, they can also be replicated, enhanced, modified by versions of the self or by other conscious beings that do not have your ixperiencitness. Many of these bodies that produce these consciousnesses can be very different from human bodies with different types or modification of senses. The brain itself can be controlled artificially to produce many conscious realities that nature alone cannot produce. The senses naturally or artificially can be stimulated to produce almost any imaginable story line starting with any consciousness producing structure of matter. What proof is there for superimmortality? There are so many different aspects of superimmortality; there is no one proof for all aspects of superimmortality. Superimmortality is based on science. There are no supernatural aspects of superimmortality like actual souls, gods, sprits and sprits world, heaven, hell, purgatory, reincarnation, or resurrection. Superimmortality is materialistic, naturalistic, and scientifically understandable. It is based on the simple idea that consciousness and ixperiencitness is produced by the complex functioning of the brain. consciousness is not based on the specific matter used. Energy, subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, cells, organs, bodies, etc. that function within the needed tolerances will produce the same consciousnesses and ixperiencitnesses. This is a basic principle of technology. Properties of matter and energy can be duplicated closely enough for everyday use without using the same matter. Consciousness and ixperiencitness are properties in nature produced by matter and energy. What is evidence of this? A previously conscious body can still exist, even be alive, and not be conscious. Consciousness is thus not directly connected to the body, but it is connected to something that is happening within the body that upon death or a coma is no longer produced until the correct structure and functioning of the brain (and body to sustain the functioning of the brain) is restored. If consciousness is more like a property of the complex structure and functioning of matter, than directly of the specific matter used itself, then matter should be allowed to be replaced in the body and the ixperiencitness produced by that body should not change over time.
What is the evidence that a structurally and functionally identical person will produce the exact same consciousness as the original? First, the original is an experiment in to what a specific structure and functioning of a body will produce. Duplicating the structure and functioning in another body should produce the same consciousness. The problem is that it is not easy to see the consciousness being produced by another body. It is even harder to predict what consciousness was or will be produced in another body. We humans only see the consciousness that we are currently experiencing. Of course, that consciousness is often about past experiences and thought about future experiences; we do, however, make predictions about what other people are consciously experiencing by their behavior and the environment that they are in. Let us call another person that has exactly the same structure and functioning in their body an identical replica, or identireplica for a shortened name. The first thing that will happen with an identireplica is that they will be in a different place so their environment will be different so they will be experiencing things differently, so the structure and functioning will diverge from that of the original. What we want for this rational experiment is for their structure and functioning of his body to continue to be the same as the original's. However one wants to imagine doing this, such as having identical environments and/or physically making sure the structure and functioning continues to be identical by directly controlling the body, this continuing identical replica, named for simplicity as a cidentireplica, can be studied for behavior. The cidentireplica, no matter how it is created, will have behaviors identical to that of the original. This gives additional evidence that the cidentireplica produces the same identical consciousness as is produced by the original. If the original is asked any question, the cidentireplica will answer it exactly the same. If the original is asked his name, the cidentireplica will reply exactly the same way as the original. If asked about past experiences, the cidentireplica will know everything that the original does, even if they never experienced any of these events themself. These memories exist and are perpetuated through time because of the structure and functioning of the brain, not by some mysterious residual effect on matter itself. If the brain of the original was structured and functioned like someone else's they would no longer have his memories, but they would then have the memories of this other person. If you took two distinct people and rearranged their bodies structure and functioning to be identical using their original matter, they would have the same behavior and thus the same memories and belief in who they are which can be radically different than who they were to begin with. The matter itself does not perpetuate the self; it is the structure and functioning of matter that perpetuates the self.
One might say this is cheating because the experiment makes the cidentireplica behavior identical to that of the original. It makes the structure and functioning identical, identical structure and functioning of the body produces identical behavior of the body. The behavior of the body is just a subset of the structure and functioning of the body because different structures and functionings of the body will produce the same behavior. This is because there are an enumerable amount of extremely small changes in the structure, functioning, or structure and functioning of the body of the cidentireplica in comparison to that of the original's where the behavior will continue to be the same. For instance, the change in orientation of one atom. Identity of structure and functioning is not necessary for identity of consciousness being produced. What if we consider larger changes to the structure and functioning where there are differences to the actual consciousness produced? For example, say the cidentireplica is allowed to have a different physical environment than the original. If the cidentireplica environment was different, the structure and functioning of his body, but specifically his brain, would be different. If the original would have had the same environment as the cidentireplica does now has would he have experienced it? When we look at our future possible experience, we do not think that if we do certain things we will experience it and when we do other things that we will not. So, if the cidentireplica has different experiences, they will be the same as if the original would have experienced them; there are difference experiences but the same ixperiencitness.
Observing convergence and divergence of physapaths rather than maintaining identity of physapaths
Cover these topics:
Previous yous
Future yous
Actual you
Potential you
Random versus deliberate conscious creations
Other ways of producing you like electronically
See also
- Advantages of superimmortalism
- Infinities and superimmortality
- Superimmortality
- Superimmortalism
- Principles of superimmortalism
- Supporting evidence for superimmortalism
- Arguments for superimmortalism
- Principles of superimmortality
- Supporting evidence for superimmortality
- Arguments for superimmortality
- Why superimmortalism is not a religion
- Why superimmortalism is better than religions
- Why superimmortality is better than immortality
- Why superimmortality better than religious forms of immortality
- Why superimmortalism is better than theism
- If there is a god or gods why he/ they would create a world with superimmortality rather than religious forms of immortality
- List of superimmortalism topics
- List of superimmortality topics
- Supermortality
- Superimmortal
- Advantages of superimmortality
- Moral consequences of superimmortality
- Teaching of the science of superimmortality
- Teaching of the ixperiencit theory of consciousness
- Why superimmortalism is not a threat to religious belief systems
- Why religious belief systems are a threat to superimmortalism
- What is the proof that superimmortality is not a supernatural theory
- What is the proof that superimmortality is based on science
- Omnibenevolence and superimmortalism
- Omnipotence and superimmortalism
- Omniscience and superimmortalism
- Omnipresence and superimmortalism
- The limitedness of simple immortality
- The unboundedness of superimmortality
- The extreme limited view of the self
- Itofazomnibenevolence
- Itofazomnipotence
- Itofazomniscience
- Itofazomnipresence
- Itofazomnibenevolence proofs
- Itofazomnipotence proofs
- Itofazomniscience proofs
- Itofazomnipresence proofs
- Superatheism
- Why is superatheism needed
- Why is superatheism better than atheism
- Is the universe a cold uncaring place if there are no gods
- Supermortality
- Nihilism and Superimmortality
See also: Proof sequences list,
- Proof sequence 1 for superimmortality This is a proof sequence that a cidentireplica will produce the same behaviorpath as its original is, has, or will, produce. (Behavior related proofs)
- Proof sequence 1a - Identical structures and functionings of matter produce identical behaviors.
- Proof sequence 1b - Close enough approximate structures and functionings of matter produce identical behaviors.
- Proof sequence 1c - Percentage wise different enough structures and functionings of matter produce percentage wise different behaviors.
- Proof sequence 1d - Very different structures and functionings of matter will usually produce very different behaviors.
- Proof sequence 1e - The variations of the structures and functionings of matter can be mapped to the variations in behaviors.
- Proof sequence 1f - Enhancements to structure and functioning of a body can enhance the behavior produced by the body.
- Proof sequence 2 for superimmortality This is a proof sequence is to show that a cidentireplica will produce the same awarepath as its original is, has, or will, produce. (Consciousness related proofs)
- Proof sequence 2a - Identical structures and functionings of matter produce identical consciousnesses.
- Proof sequence 2b - Close enough approximate structures and functionings of matter produce identical consciousnesses.
- Proof sequence 2c - Percentage wise different enough structures and functionings of matter produce percentage wise different consciousnesses.
- Proof sequence 2d - Very different structures and functionings of matter will usually produce very different consciousnesses.
- Proof sequence 2e - The variations of the structures and functionings of matter can be mapped to the variations in consciousness.
- Proof sequence 2f - Enhancements to structure and functioning of a body can enhance the consciousness produced by the body.
- Proof sequence 3 for superimmortality This is a proof sequence that a cidentireplica will produce the same ixperiencitness as its original is, has, or will, produce. (Ixperiencitness related proofs)
- Proof sequence 3a - Identical structures and functionings of matter produce identical ixperiencitnesses.
- Proof sequence 3b - Close enough identity of structures and functionings of matter will produce identical ixperiencitnesses.
- Proof sequence 3c - Certain structures and functionings of matter will produce different consciousnesses but will still produce identical ixperiencitnesses
- Proof sequence 3d - Percentage wise different enough structures and functionings of matter will produce percentage wise different ixperiencitnesses.
- Proof sequence 3e - Very different structures and functionings of matter will produce very different ixperiencitnesses.
- Proof sequence 3f - The variations to the structures and functionings of matter can be mapped to the variations in ixperiencitnesses.
- Proof sequence 3g - Enhancements to structure and functioning of a body can enhance the ixperiencitness produced by a body.
Proof sequences list, Proof sequence 1 for superimmortality, Proof sequence 2 for superimmortality, Proof sequence 3 for superimmortality, Proof sequence 1a, Proof sequence 1b, Proof sequence 1c, Proof sequence 1d, Proof sequence 1e, Proof sequence 1f, Proof sequence 2a, Proof sequence 2b, Proof sequence 2c, Proof sequence 2d, Proof sequence 2e, Proof sequence 2f, Proof sequence 3a, Proof sequence 3b, Proof sequence 3c, Proof sequence 3d, Proof sequence 3e, Proof sequence 3f, Proof sequence 3g