Space Travel and Awaretheory
From Aware Theory
Space Travel and Awaretheory
What do we want from space travel? Is it the experience, the resources, the knowledge, or is it the spreading of conscious beings through an unconscious universe? There are numerous reasons to travel through outer space. The concepts presented in awaretheory greatly effect how we can space travel. Our space ships that we have are woefully inadequate to travel through our own solar system. How can we travel through the galaxy?
Human bodies are not meant to travel through space for long periods of time. Space may seem empty but it is full of stuff that you do not want to run into. The faster you go the more destructive it is.
There are several ways that the ideas of awaretheory effects space travel and space colonization. First, non biological systems can have human ixperiencitnesses. Second, by reproducing the structure and functioning of your body on another world you would experience being at this other world as if you had traveled there. The information about your structure and functioning can be can be set out from earth at the speed of light. Billions of years could pass as the information traveled through space and on your duplication you would not be aware of any time passing. Third, Any thing that you could possible experience in the first two cases can be duplicated on earth in an awarepaducer. Fourth, your current body could be stimulated by a sensepaducer to produce these expereinces also. In the second case the information could be representation as an irrational number like pi or e.
The colonization of uninhabited planets could greatly increase the likely replication of a conscious version of each person. Circular rings made of the matter of the planets could be giant isofazpaducers producing human ixperiencitnesses one side faces and collects solar energy the other side is the structure and functioning that is very cold and produces consciousness very fast because it is an electronic or photonic system. Since one of these devices could produce billions of trillions of consciousness at ten times the speed that a human body can it is more likely that what you are experiencing now is produced in one of these kind of structures and you would never know the difference. These consciousnesses do not have to be limited you what you experience now, but can be any number of possible awarepaths that nature could never produce naturally plus enhanced consciousnesses
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- The purpose of this section is to give different ways of looking at some of the ideas presented in awaretheory that are not just all words, definitions, or equations. Sometimes shorts statements with a picture can sometimes help in the understanding of new, different, complex, misunderstood, or forgotten ideas. The ideas in awaretheory can effect many other sciences, beliefs, ideas, And many of the new ideas in science mathematics and technology can effect some of the developing ideas in awaretheory.