Sensepath selfaware principle

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Sensespace principles are the principles that deal with the different sensespaces.

Sensepath repetition principle; Sensepaths can be repeated at the same time and at other times.
Sensepath extension principle; Sensepaths can be extended by any extra length.
Sensepath addition principle
Senseparts, sensemoments, sensesections, and sensepaths can be added to any point in a sensepath.
Sensepath subtraction principle
Senseparts, sensemoments, sensesections, and sensepaths can be subtracted from any point in a sensepaths.
Sensepath division principle A sensepath can be broken down into senseparts, sensemoments, sensesections, and sensepaths.
Sensepath application principle
Starting at any point on a sensepath, the rest of the sensepath can be applied to and starting at any point of a physapath, neuropath. or physipath.
Sensepath construction principleA sensepath can be created by combining any sequence of sensemoment or sensesection
Sensepath incomprehension principle
Not all sensepaths will produce comprehension in an awarepath.
Sensepath confusion principle Sensepaths can cause confusion in awarepaths.
Sensepath enhancement principle Sensepaths can be enhanced in many different ways.
Sensepath degradation principle Sensepaths can be degraded in many different ways.
There are more possible sensepath enhancements than there are sensepath degradations from an internal view point
There are more possible enhanced sensepaths than degraded sensepaths because more complexity means more possibilities
There are the same amount possible sensepath enhancements as there are sensepath degradations from an external view point. Because for every enhancement there is the reverse or degradation.
Sensepath recombination principle
The senseparts, sensemoments, sensesections, and sensepaths of any sensepath can be recombined into any recombination making many different new sensepaths.
Sensepath production principle
Sensepaths can be created in several different ways. Reality, nature, actual people, and other things in nature is what most people believe their experiences of reality or the outside world comes from. The sensepaducer (sensepath producer) stimulates an independent itobody, itocomponent or itobrain. The physapaducer can contain other conscious itobodies or itocomponents that can interact with each other within an artificially produced though actual reality, or a non reality based environment like magical, historical, futuristic, or science fiction like realities. Within an insidentireplica where one part of the itobody produces the sensepath or reality for another part of the itobody that is producing a separate consciousness. Another ways of looking at this is as a conscious interactive awarepaducer which can be so consciously complex that it is consciously creating the realities for each of many different itocomponents.
Sensepath equivalency principle
The effects of a sensepath can be created directly by manipulating the functioning of parts of the itobrain or itocomponent without going through the sense organs. Each individual neuron or its equivalent can be directly manipulated rather than by being manipulated by other neurons that are eventually manipulated by the sense organ neurons.
Sensespace continuum principle
sensepoints, sensemoments, sensesections, sensepaths, senseregions, and sensevenues can be combined into many different concept based sensecontinuums.
Sensespace multicontinuum principle
sensepoints, sensemoments, sensesections, sensepaths, sensevenues, senseregions, and sensecontinuums can be combined into many different concept based sensemulticontinuums.
Sensespace concept grouping principle
Sensespaces can be grouped in many different ways.
Sensespace knowledge existence principle
Knowledge about sensespaces can exist.
Sensepath knowledge existence principle
Knowledge about sensepaths can exist.
Sensepath knowledge principle
Knowledge about sensepaths can exist in many different awarepath forms.
Sensespace knowledge principle
Knowledge about sensespaces can exist in many different awarespace forms.
Sensespace mapping principle
Sensespaces can be mapped to epispaces.
Sensepath mapping principle
Sensepaths can be mapped to epipaths.
Sensepath selfaware principle
Awarepaths can contain episensepaths; consciousnesses can contain knowledge about their own sensepaths.

See Also: Sensespace principles, Awarespace principles, physaspace principles, physispace principles, ixpespace principles, epispace principles, itofazspace principles, fazspace principles, itospace principles, Sensespace principles, Sensespace principles, Sensespace principles,