Secular Humanism and Awaretheory

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Secular Humanism and Awaretheory

Atheists anti immortality statements

Although secular humanism usually is a strong supporter of science, it does as a geneal rule not believe that there exists any possible way of extending life after death. Even though they usually believe in taking care of the world and perpetuating humanity, they do not believe that they will benefit directly from the world and humanity's well being except in the abstract such as for their offspring or for the good of humanity in general. Awaretheory changes that view point by showing how life after death is possible and all the different ways it can be created. Awaretheory gives us extremely powerful reasons to take care of the world and humanity for selfish reasons. This does not means that we should give up on altruistic reasons to take care of the world and people in general. It just gives us more and better reasons to work together to solve the problems that conscious beings face for survival, which may be what we need to keep advanced civilizations from dying out.
If you do not want to experience hell on earth with future versions of yourself, you have to take care of the earth through experimentation and rational problem solving
Many humanists do not believe that there can be life after death. Awaretheory changes that belief without needing or using religious or supernatural concepts like souls or gods
Awaretheory provides Secular humanism what it need to succeed, which is a scientific theory of life after death and immortality that is not based on keeping the body alive or frozen. The structure and functioning of the body is approximate-able. The structure and functioning of a body is what produces consciousness and ixperiencitness. Consequently, consciousness is reproducible having the same ixperiencitness.

By sharing ideas we can make the world a better and more interesting place
With enough science and technology we can spread conscious existence through out the universe where it does not already exist
Humanism is an approach in study, philosophy, worldview or practice that focuses on human values and concerns. In philosophy and social science, humanism is a perspective which affirms some notion of human nature, and is contrasted with anti-humanism. Secular Humanism is a secular ideology which espouses reason, ethics, and justice, whilst specifically rejecting supernatural and religious dogma as a basis of morality and decision-making. Secular Humanism contrasts with Religious Humanism, which is an integration of humanist ethical philosophy with religious rituals and beliefs that center on human needs, interests, and abilities.
Secular Humanism is partially responsible for the antiscience moment. This is because of their anti - life after death and immortality stance. They are as responsible for closed mindedness in the sense that they really do not understand life after death and immortality any better than religions do. But they claim to be certain. It is easy to jump to conclusions when you have very limited knowledge. For instance, one reason that evolution is so disliked is that is is supposed to give evidence of the secular view point which is supposed to suport the position that there is no life after death or immortality. If anything evolution science gives evidence for all conscious animals being able to consciously exist again. It is true that religions use concepts like life after death, heaven, and hell, to manipulate people. This is one of the reasons that secular humanists reject life after death and immortality. Awaretheory gives secular humanists (as well as all conscious beings) a scientific theory of life after death and immortality.

Knowing that other conscious beings can have human ixperiencitnesses and enhanced human ixperiencitnesses, without being human gives hope for cooperation over competition
The universe was made to be conscious of itself in many different ways
Secular Humanism, alternatively known as Humanism (often with a capital H to distinguish it from other forms of humanism), is a secular philosophy that embraces human reason, ethics, justice, and the search for human fulfillment. It specifically rejects religious dogma, supernaturalism, pseudoscience or superstition as the basis of morality and decision-making.

If there was a god and he did not want there to be secular humanists there would not be any secular humanists or atheists
Secular humanism encourages skeptical yet creative thinking. Religions on the other hand do not.
Secular Humanism is a comprehensive life stance that focuses on the way human beings can lead happy and functional lives. Though it posits that human beings are capable of being ethical and moral without religion or God, it neither assumes humans to be inherently or innately good, nor presents humans as "above nature" or superior to it. Rather, the Humanist life stance emphasizes the unique responsibility facing humanity and the ethical consequences of human decisions. Fundamental to the concept of Secular Humanism is the strongly held viewpoint that ideology — be it religious or political — must be thoroughly examined by each individual and not simply accepted or rejected on faith. Along with this, an essential part of Secular Humanism is a continually adapting search for truth, primarily through science and philosophy.
Awaretheory states that human consciousnesses and ixperiencitnesses can be produced by non human bodies. This throws a twist into humanism; humans can be more (or less) than humans (human bodies).

Courage and cowardice argument



Pages with images

The purpose of this section is to give different ways of looking at some of the ideas presented in awaretheory that are not just all words, definitions, or equations. Sometimes shorts statements with a picture can sometimes help in the understanding of new, different, complex, misunderstood, or forgotten ideas. The ideas in awaretheory can effect many other sciences, beliefs, ideas, And many of the new ideas in science mathematics and technology can effect some of the developing ideas in awaretheory.

Types of pages <------------Pages with Images------------>
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Types of Life after Death Itofazcontinuance and Awaretheory Itofazextension and Awaretheory Itofazenhancement and Awaretheory Itofazrepetition and Awaretheory
Itofazhistorality and Awaretheory Itofazfuturality and Awaretheory Itofazquondamality and Awaretheory Itofazprospectality and Awaretheory
Religion beliefs God and Awaretheory Religion and Awaretheory Hell and Awaretheory Heaven and Awaretheory
Non religious beliefs Secularism and Awaretheory Skepticism and Awaretheory Humanism and Awaretheory Secular Humanism and Awaretheory
Supernatural ideas Supernatural concepts and Awaretheory Deja vu and Awaretheory Near Death Experiences and Awaretheory Previous lives and Awaretheory
Emotions Love and Awaretheory Hate and Awaretheory Happiness and Awaretheory Fear and Awaretheory
Other Conscious beings Aliens and Awaretheory Animals and Awaretheory Synthesized Conscious Beings and Awaretheory Simple Materialism and Awaretheory
Possible experiences Fiction and Awaretheory Fantasy and Awaretheory Magic and Awaretheory Science Fiction and Awaretheory
Applications Utopia and Awaretheory Space Travel and Awaretheory Time Travel and Awaretheory Epistemology and Awaretheory
Experimentation Itofazexperiments and Awaretheory Experipaths and Awaretheory Expericontinuums and Awaretheory Experidiscontinuities, Experianomalies and Awaretheory
Science Knowledge and Awaretheory Science and Awaretheory Mathematics and Awaretheory Technology and Awaretheory
Teleportation and Awaretheory Quantum Mechanics and Awaretheory Time and Awaretheory Multiverses and Awaretheory
New concepts Itofazcontinuums and Awaretheory Itofazvenues and Awaretheory Itofazpaths and Awaretheory Itofazmoments and Awaretheory
Itofazmapping and Awaretheory Itofazterrains and Awaretheory Sensespaces and Awaretheory Internaspaces and Awaretheory
Externaspaces and Awaretheory Conscious Enhancement and Awaretheory Memories and Awaretheory Itofazpaducers and Awaretheory
Injurypaths and Awaretheory Diseasepaths and Awaretheory Chemicalpaths and Awaretheory Sensepaths and Awaretheory
Ethics and Morals Free will and Awaretheory Evil, Punishment and Awaretheory Ethics and Awaretheory Morals and Awaretheory
Culture Culture and Awaretheory Existentialism and Awaretheory Religious Tolerance and Awaretheory Belief System Tolerance and Awaretheory
Analogies and Processes VCR analogy Occam's razor Fitoprocess and Awaretheory Caresphere and Awaretheory
Supporting Evidence and Arguments Time travel experiments Assemble Line Argument It's Only a Replica Argument Matter is Magical Argument
Subjective Evidence of Multiplicity Sting Theory and Awaretheory Directed Evolution and Awaretheory Simultaneous Multiplicity of Ixperiencitness
Other wiki page experiments Diagram superlist Constructing sites with images Quantum Entanglement and Awaretheory