Quantum Entanglement and Awaretheory

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Quantum Entanglement and Awaretheory

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Quantum Entanglement might be one of the reasons that the fitoprocess and fidentireplicas could produce consciousness and ixperiencitness in a topologically divided space

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One possible view of Quantum Entanglement is that matter and energy are traveling through space at different speeds thus through time at different speeds. Light that is traveling at the speed of light may still have a connection to the ways things were when it started its journey, because there is no change in time for light. When light interacts with matter it has to catch up in time with the matter that is traveling slower in spacial speed but faster in time speed. Light that has been traveling through space for billions of years uninterrupted still exists in the past billions of years ago All of a sudden it runs into matter that exist in the present. Its wave function collapses into one point in space and time. If it is entangled with another photon it is still in time connection with this other photon

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Matter is traveling at different speeds do to vibration of the molecules do to heat, by the motion through space of the object and the motion of the parts within the object like blood in a body or air in a room or rotational motion of an object. The intensity of gravity also influences how fast an object travels through time

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The reason that matter is not spread out over space and time is that it is always interacting with other matter making it stay in a smaller difference in time and space. If you started at the same time and traveled at the same speed as other objects you would see the rigidity of matter and not the wave nature of matter and energy

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Objects of matter can travel together in space and time. If there are 10 or eleven dimension of space and seven or eight dimensions are highly curved so that all matter or energy are always close together in these dimensions,
When the wave function collapses it may propagate as a specific particle backwards through time rather than a more vague wave as it travels through space but not so fast or at all in time. This might be why virtual particles appear to come into and out of existence rapidly. It may also explain some aspects of dark matter and dark energy. Dark energy might be the reverse of the inward bending of matter in space as energy from the big bang is collapsing to its original time while catching up to the time of that most matter is existing in

When the wave function collapses it may be producing a force that pushes matter or space apart.



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