From Aware Theory
- The term or prefix multito stands for multiple itoidentireplicas.
- The term or prefix multiori stands for multiple originals.
- The term or prefix multido stands for multiple idoriginals.
- The term or prefix multicori stands for multiple coriginals.
- The term or prefix multicid stands for multiple cidentireplicas.
- The term or prefix multivid stands for multiple videntireplicas.
- The term or prefix multifid stands for multiple fidentireplicas.
- The term or prefix multiso stands for multiple isoidentireplicas.
- The term or prefix multibio stands for multiple bioidentireplicas.
- The term or prefix multienha stands for multiple enhaidentireplicas.
- The term or prefix multimus stands for multiple musidentireplicas.
- The term or prefix multitrid stands for multiple tridentireplicas.
- The term or prefix multinrg stands for multiple nrgidentireplicas.
- The term or prefix multicombo stands for multiple comboidentireplicas.
- The term or prefix multisimi stands for multiple simidentireplicas.
See also:
Multicid, Multicid experimental process, Multicid experiments, Multiple cidentireplica experimental proof, Subjective multicid experiments, Multicid approximation and extrapolation process, Multicid continuum construction process, and
Multivid, Multivid experimental process, Multivid experiments, Multiple videntireplica experimental proof, Subjective multivid experiments, Multivid approximation and extrapolation process, Multivid continuum construction process.