Itofazterrains and Awaretheory
From Aware Theory
Itofazterrains and Awaretheory
Itofazterrains is a way of showing how likely a certain itofazpath is to being produced. It is analogous to how likely a specific trail is to exist given a certain topography. On a flat surface any possible path is equally likely. But in a complex terrain certain paths might be more or less likely to exist. If you imagine walking a path through steep mountains there would be many possible paths that would be impossible to transverse.
Itofazterrains can funnel the different kinds of paths into specific channels. Itofazterrains can be senseregions or internaregions that help direct the structure and functioning of the brain, consequently, directing the awarepaths and ixpepaths.
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- The purpose of this section is to give different ways of looking at some of the ideas presented in awaretheory that are not just all words, definitions, or equations. Sometimes shorts statements with a picture can sometimes help in the understanding of new, different, complex, misunderstood, or forgotten ideas. The ideas in awaretheory can effect many other sciences, beliefs, ideas, And many of the new ideas in science mathematics and technology can effect some of the developing ideas in awaretheory.