Itofazextension and Awaretheory
Every itofazpath can be extended in theory and in practice. This means that after the death of the itobody that the itofazpath corresponds to there can be several types of itofazextensions with the same ixperiencitness. It does not matter how long the period of death is, as long as the desired properties of consciousness and ixperiencitness are recreated by the structure and functioning of the itobody or itobodies. In the following diagram there are extensions of the awarepath that start at different times and are different in terms of the resulting consciousnesses that are produced, but they all have the same ixperiencitnesses. This means that all will be extensions of the original's or your conscious existence. The point is that the extension does not have to have an extension that would be the same as if the the person did not die. There are an extremely large amount of awarextensions that are possible for each person or other conscious being.
The extensions can be produced by the original's body or by a cidentireplica or videntireplica or other types of itobodies that produce the right structure and functioning like isoidentireplicas, fidentireplicas, idoriginals, or even in or by itofazpaducers.
See also: Itofazextension, Multiple Cases of Itoextension, itoextension, fazextension, Arguments for itofazextension, Equations for itofazextension, Diagrams 39 fazextension, Diagram superlist.
Pages with images
- The purpose of this section is to give different ways of looking at some of the ideas presented in awaretheory that are not just all words, definitions, or equations. Sometimes shorts statements with a picture can sometimes help in the understanding of new, different, complex, misunderstood, or forgotten ideas. The ideas in awaretheory can effect many other sciences, beliefs, ideas, And many of the new ideas in science mathematics and technology can effect some of the developing ideas in awaretheory.