Itofazdifferential equations

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Itofazdifferential equations

Itofazdifferential equations are equations that represent the concept of change between two or more itofazconcepts.

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the change in the physiconcept over time.

the change in the physaconcept over time.

the change in the awareconcept over time.

the change in the awareconcept over time.

the change in the ixpeconcept over time.

the change in the epiconcept over time.

the change in the physiconcept over time.

the change in the physaconcept over time.

the change in the awareconcept over time.

the change in the awareconcept over time.

the change in the ixpeconcept over time.

the change in the epiconcept over time.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept over time.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept over time.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept over time.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept over time.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept over time.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept over time.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept over time, mapped to an epipath.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept over time, mapped to an epipath one itopoint at a time.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept over time, mapped to an epipath one itomoment at a time.

the change in the awareconcept per change in the physaconcept over time, mapped to an epipath one itosection at a time. The result is a differential epipath.

the change in the awarepoint per change in the physapoint over time, mapped to an epipath one itopoint at a time.

the change in the awarepoint per change in the physapoint over time, mapped to an epipath one itomoment at a time.

the change in the awarepoint per change in the physapoint over time, mapped to an epipath one itosection at a time. The result is a differential epipath.

the change in the oriawareconcept per time

the change in the combophysiconcept per time

the change in the physiconcept over time

or the change in the cidentireplica over time.

the change in the oriawarepath over time

is the symbolic representation of the change in the oriawarepath over time.

is the symbolic representation of the change in the futuristic oriawarepath over time.

is the symbol for futuristic vitophysapath

is the symbolic representation of the change in the futuristic vitophysapath over time.

is the symbolic representation of the change in the futuristic vitophysapath over time.

is the symbolic representation of the change in the futuristic vitophysapath over time.

is the symbolic representation of the change in the futuristic vitophysapath over time.

\nabla \, \partial x

Z1: is the symbol that represents the physiconcept.

Z2: is the symbol that represents the physaconcept.

Z3: is the symbol that represents the awareconcept.

Z4: is the symbol that represents the mentaconcept.

Z5: is the symbol that represents the ixpeconcept.

Z6: is the symbol that represents the epiconcept.

Itofazspace mapping equations

H1: mapping to

H2: mapping from

H3: mapping to and from

H4: mapping

H5: is the representation of mapping the physaspace and awarespace to an ixpespace

H6: is the representation of mapping the physaspace and awarespace to an ixpespace

H7: is the representation of mapping the physaspace and awarespace to an ixpespace

H7: is the representation of mapping the physaspace and awarespace to an ixpespace the whole mapping then mapped to an epispace

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