Itobehavior equations

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Introduction and Foundation Concepts for Itoequations

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Itobehavior equations are equations relating the different types of behavior. It is also a grouping name for Oribehavior equations, Idobehavior equations, Coribehavior equations, Citobehavior equations, Vitobehavior equations, Fitobehavior equations,Isobehavior equations, Enhabehavior equations, Musbehavior equations, Insibehavior equations, Tritobehavior equations,Nrgbehavior equations, Combobehavior equations, and Simibehavior equations.

There are several types of sub classes of behavior. They are total behavior, partial behavior, elemental behavior, indicative behavior. Total behavior is the total behavior of the itobody. Partial behavior is the behavior of a part of the itobody like an arm, muscle, organ or molecule. Elemental behavior is the behavior of individual atoms or subatomic particles. Indicative behavior is a combination and sequence of behaviors like language or gestures that gives clues to the inner consciousness that is being produced by the itobody, such as the statement that "I am in pain" or crying.

Introductory Concepts

is the symbol that represents total behavior of an itobody, which is a combination of the other types of behavior concepts.

is the symbol that represents total physical behavior of an itobody.

is the symbol that represents the exterior body behavior of an itobody.

is the symbol that represents partial behavior of an itobody.

is the symbol that represents elemental behavior of an itobody.

is the symbol that represents actual behavior of an itobody.

is the symbol that represents perceived behavior of an itobody.

is the symbol that represents indicative behavior of an itobody.

is the symbol that represents Internal behavior of an itobody.

is the symbol that represents Transformational behavior of an itobody.

is the symbol that represents Interrelational behavior of an itobody.

is the symbol that represents Effective behavior of an itobody.

is the symbol that represents the identity of total behavior between itobodies.

is the symbol that represents the identity of exterior body behavior between itobodies.

is the symbol that represents the identity of partial behavior between itobodies.

is the symbol that represents the identity of elemental behavior between itobodies.

is the symbol that represents the identity of indicative behavior between itobodies.

is the symbol that represents the identity of actual behavior between itobodies.

is the symbol that represents the identity of perceived behavior between itobodies.

is the symbol that represents the identity of Internal behavior between itobodies.

is the symbol that represents the identity of Interrelational behavior between itobodies.

is the symbol that represents the identity of Transformational behavior between itobodies.

is the symbol that represents the identity of Effective behavior between itobodies.

is the symbol that represents identical structure and functioning.

The Total behavior of an itobody is the term meaning is the sum of the different kinds of behaviors.

The Exterior body behavior of an itobody is the term meaning how the itobody actually behaves externally.

The Partial behavior of an itobody is the term meaning the behavior of parts of the itobody like an arm, liver, muscle etc..

The Elemental behavior of an itobody is the term meaning the behavior of atoms and subatomic particles in the itobody.

The Internal behavior of an itobody is the term meaning how the conscious itobody internally views its own actual behavior.

The Transformational behavior of an itobody is the term meaning how the behavior is produced or transformed from the functioning of the itobody.

The Indicative behavior of an itobody is the term meaning what the behavior may represent in terms of the actual consciousness produced by the itobody.

The Actual behavior of an itobody is the term meaning the actual behavior independent of the interpertation of a conscious observer.

The Perceived behavior of an itobody is the term meaning how external consciousnesses view the behavior of an itobody.

The Interrelational behavior of an itobody is the term meaning the interrelation of the behavior with the environment or with others.

The Effective behavior of an itobody is the term meaning more than just the perceived behavior but how the behavior effects its environment.

The identical structure and functioning of an itobody implies identical physical behavior.

Itotemplate variant

All of these equations are true because the only difference is the template that they were copied reproduced or theoretically duplicated from. even If the Oa is not the same as Ob the resulting itobodies are only different in name all of the other physical conditions are the same.

Itotemplate matter and placement variants

\bumpeq \Bumpeq

All of these equations are true because the only difference is the template that they were copies from. even If the Oa is not the same as Ob the resulting itobodies are only different in name all of the other physical conditions are the same.

These are conditionally equal because the difference in placement can have a different environment that it related to. The symbol represents the concept of conditional identity.

Itotemplate matter, time, and placement variants

All of these equations are true because the only difference is the template that they were copies from. even If the Oa is not the same as Ob the resulting itobodies are only different in name all of the other physical conditions are the same.

These are conditionally equal because the difference in placement can have a different environment that it related to. The symbol represents the concept of conditional identity.

Itotemplate, matter, placement, and synchronization variants

This equation represents the concept that if the two different originals are made of different matter is a different place. they will be identical in behavior and the behavior will be in time synchronization (occurring at the same time).

See also:

Symbolic definitions, Symbolic definitions part2 Symbolic definitions part3

Introduction and Foundation Concepts for Itoequations

Itoequations, Oriequations, Idoequations, Coriequations, Citoequations, Vitoequations, Fitoequations, Isoequations, Enhaequations, Musequations, Insiequations, Tritoequations, Nrgequations, Comboequations, and Simiequations,

Itosynchronization equations, Itofuturality equations, Itohistorality equations, Itotimultiplicity equations, Itocelerity equations, Itoquondamality equations, Itoprospectality equations, Itosimultaneousness equations, Itoretrogression equations, Itotemporality equations, Itorepetition equations Itoreversion equations, Itoprogression equations, Itosucession equations,

Fazequations physiequations, physaequations, awarequations, mentaequations, ixpequations, epiequations,

fazmapping, itomapping, itofazmapping, itomapping equations, fazmapping equations, itofazmapping equations,

faztransformation, itotransformation, itofaztransformation, itotransformation equations, faztransformation equations, itofaztransformation equations

Fazsynchronization equations, Fazfuturality equations, Fazhistorality equations, Faztimultiplicity equations, Fazcelerity equations, Fazquondamality equations, Fazprospectality equations, Fazsimultaneousness equations, Fazretrogression equations, Faztemporality equations, Fazrepetition equations Fazreversion equations, Fazprogression equations, Fazsucession equations,

Itoinception equations, Itoexordium equations, Itocreation equations, Itomodality equations, Itoautochthonality equations, Itocausality equations, Itoerudition equations,

Itocontinuance equations, Itoextension equations, Itocontinuity equations, Itodiscontinuity equations, Itoidentity equations, Itosimidentity equations, Itosimicontinuance equations, Itosimiextension equations, Itosimicontinuity equations, Itosimidiscontinuity equations,

Itoconvergence equations, Itodivergence equations, Itomultivergence equations, Itosimiconvergence equations, Itosimidivergence equations, Itomultisimivergence equations, itocrossdivergence equations, itocrossconvergence equations, itosimimultivergence equations, itocrossmultivergence equations, itosimicrossmultivergence equations,

Fazconvergence equations, Fazdivergence equations, Fazmultivergence equations, Fazsimiconvergence equations, Fazsimidivergence equations, Fazmultisimivergence equations, Fazcrossdivergence equations, Fazcrossconvergence equations, Fazsimimultivergence equations, Fazcrossmultivergence equations, Fazsimicrossmultivergence equations,

Behavior equations, Consciousness equations, Ixperiencitness equations, Mentality equations,

Itobehavior equations, Oribehavior equations, Idobehavior equations, Coribehavior equations, Citobehavior equations,Vitobehavior equations,Fitobehavior equations,Isobehavior equations,Enhabehavior equations,Musbehavior equations,Insibehavior equations,Tritobehavior equations,Nrgbehavior equations,Combobehavior equations, and Simibehavior equations.