A fidentireplica is a fragmented identireplica. There are many different types of fidentireplicas. Some types of fidentireplicas seem to have good arguments in support their existence. Whereas the more complex types, if they exist, seem to produce a very different reality of conscious and ixperiencit production than we currently believe exists.
Experiments with fidentireplicas are called fitoexperiments. The principles derived from these experiments are called fitoprinciples. Fitoconcepts change the structure of a consciousness producing system.
Examples of fidentireplicas:
There a numerous ways of splitting a brain into pieces yet connecting them together so they continue to function as a whole.
If a brain in split into two pieces, and there are connections between the two halves so they the whole continues to function as it would have if it was not split, we have the simplest form of a fidentireplica. The questions we want to know about is will this fidentireplica have a consciousness and ixperiencitness? Will, if both side function like it was when together, have the same consciousness and ixperiencitness? These are the concepts of Fitodivision and fitoseparation.
You can increase the distance between the parts and ask the same questions. You can also divide the parts or whole into more parts and see what happens then.
Then there are the cases that are not connected but because of preknowledge they are still functioning as if they were connected. So in the single split brain case the two sides are not interacting with each other but with a machine that has preknowledge of how the other part would have responded. Do they produce one consciousness and ixperiencitness, or is the machine producing the corresponding part of the consciousness? When the concept of preknowledge is applied to fidentireplicas it is called fitopreknowledge
Imagine fitodivision down to individual neurons that are kept functioning identically by fitopreknowledge in billions of devices in laboratories.
If fitopreknowledge works to produce a consciousness and ixperiencitness then the next concept is replacing fitopreknowledge with random functioning.
If there exists enough random sections of functioning physapaths that by coincidence produce the pattern of functioning that fitopreknowledge does the same consciousness and ixperiencitness as before should be created. Fitorandom simiphysapaths
A fourth general type of fidentireplica, and the most interesting, is one that combines the concepts of fitoseparation, fitodivision, fitorandom microphysamoments, and fitomatrix process.
Now imagine each of the neurons, thats functioning is identical to the functioning of an original, is no longer produced in a laboratory, but by random chance in the brains by billions of people. The correct functioning of all the neurons might only exist for an awaremoment but during this time does this produce some original's consciousness and ixperiencitness for an awaremoment. If there are enough awaremoments created a fitomatrix can be formed to produce an awaresection or even an awarepath.
Since all these human brains will not only duplicate the original's functioning by chance it can produce any of all the different awaremoments for all the different originals.
So by way of this fitoprocess not only can a human brain produce its own awarepath it can combine to produce simultaneously many different awaremoments together creating awaresections and awarepaths by way of the fitomatrix process. The more humans the more likely this could happen. This is one way a brain could produce more consciousnesses than just the awarepath the brain itself produces.
These consciousnesses will not be connected to a reality even though they think that they are. Your present consciousness could be produced this way. It makes the universe a much more productive awarepaducer.
If these fitophysipaths actually exist hopefully the awarepaths that they produce are not to unpleasant.
These extra microawarepaths are part of the mentapaths produced by these physapaths.
If the fitoprocess breaks down at some point or points it then gives use a greater understanding of how consciousness and the ixperiencitness is created
The concept of fidentireplicas question the unity of consciousness and ixperiencitness.
If fidentireplicas exist and produce consciousnesses that have the ixperiencitness of human originals, they create a from of immortality called fitoimmortality.
The fitoprocess can be applied to isoidentireplicas to produce fitoisoidentireplicas, and produce the corresponding kind of immortality called fitoisoimmortality.