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The enviroconcept is the concept that deals with how the environment effects the itobody. Thus how it effects the awarepath and physapath that a body produces.


Envirospace is a grouping term for enviropart, enviropoint, enviromoment, envirosection, enviropath, envirovenue, enviroregion, envirofield, envirocontinuum, and enviromulticontinuum.


Enviropart is a crosssection of a enviromoment, envirosection, or enviropath.


Enviropoint is a point in a envirospace like a point on a enviropath, envirosection, or envirocontinuum.


Enviromoment The Enviromoment is the effect the environment has on the physimoment. It is part of the externapath because it is from an outside influence -- the environment. The QMmoment has an internal effect on the functioning of the physipath. Thus it is a type internamoment. The enviromoment is a part of the enviropath.


Envirosection Envirosection is a lengthwise section of an enviropath. Its length can be any where between an enviromoment and a enviropath. This term represents the environmental conditions that effect a itobody over time. Some of the environmental conditions that can effect an itobody over time are force of gravity, radiation, temperature, pressure, humidity, and chemicals.


Enviropath The Enviropath is how the environment effects the itopath in a path structure. Physipath is made up of the internapath and the influence of the externapath and qmpath. the internapath is how the itobody or itobrain functions with out any external influences in a newtonian physics fashion. Given all the initial physical conditions the internapath will always function the same way over time. However, either for lack of knowing or using all of the initial conditions, or because of the truly random nature of matter predicted by quantum mechanics, each internapath will diverge over time with out any external influences. This change of the internapath over time is called the Qmpath. it is extremely unlikely that any two identical internapaths will every have the same qmpath effecting it. The externapath can be divided into the enviropath and the sensepath. The enviropath can be broken down into the injurypath, diseasepath, forcepath, chempath, etc The sensepath can be divided down into the tastepath, sightpath, hearingpath, smellpath, and feelingpath and any other senses that might applied to a particular itobody For instance, bats have echo location or dolphins have a sonar sensing ability. We can also imagine all types of different senses for sensing the different electromagnetic spectrum like infrared or ultraviolet light.


Envirovenue is a concept base grouping of enviropaths.


Enviroregion is a n-dimensional part of a envirocontinuum.


Envirofield is an enviroregion where each point in the enviroregion has one or more extra numbers attached to it


Envirocontinuum is envirocontinuum.


Enviromulticontinuum is a grouping of envirocontinuums.