Diseasepaths and Awaretheory

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Diseasepaths and Awaretheory

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The diseasepath is how diseases effect a person's physipath over time. When a disease changes the physipath enough it then can effect the physapath and consequently the awarepath or consciousness. Diseases are not pleasant and often cause the death of the body. But sometimes they can produce some positive changes to the awarepath directly or indirectly. It can increase one's empathy for another conscious being when they know too how unpleasant diseases can be.

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At any point along a person's physipath a disease can begin and then change the way the physipath would have progressed other wise before its direct effects eventually end. The effects of the disease will linger, but it is possible, but not likely in a natural setting, that there will be a convergence of the physipath back to where the physipath would have been without the effects of the disease. External knowledge based conscious manipulation of the physipath can return the itobody to the un diseased state where there is even no memories of the disease. In place of the memories of the disease there can be installed different memories by changing the structure and functioning of the brain.

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There are many diseases that can effect the itobodies of conscious beings. They can be grouped into diseasevenues, diseaseregions, diseasecontinuums, and diseasemulticontinuums. These groupings can then be applied to a specific physipath to produce a concept defined grouping of physipaths or physivenue. This physivenue can be mapped to physavenues, awarevenues, ixpepaths, epipaths, and epivenues.

The effect of a disease on an awarepath can be negative, neutral, or positive. A disease may not even effect the awarepath even though it changes the physipath. This is because many different physipaths can produce the same awarepath.

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If the memories of a disease can be removed from a person by changing the structure and functioning of the brain then the memories can be reinstalled or installed in someone that has never had the disease by the correct changes to the structure of functioning of the brain.

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The purpose of this section is to give different ways of looking at some of the ideas presented in awaretheory that are not just all words, definitions, or equations. Sometimes shorts statements with a picture can sometimes help in the understanding of new, different, complex, misunderstood, or forgotten ideas. The ideas in awaretheory can effect many other sciences, beliefs, ideas, And many of the new ideas in science mathematics and technology can effect some of the developing ideas in awaretheory.

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