Alien combofazpaducer

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Template: Alien itofazpaducer

An alien itofazpaducer creates alien or non human itofazpaths. A simple definition of an alien is a conscious being that comes from another planet or solar system. Awaretheory predicts that some alien consciousnesses can have human ixperiencitnesses. This follows straight forwardly from other arguments if aliens are human. It appears that consciousness can be created in many different ways with many different structures and functionings. This would seem to show that there are also many alien consciousness that do not have exactly the same ixperiencitnesses as humans. But they could have percentage wise identity of ixperiencitness. For instance, an alien consciousness might have 95% the same ixperiencitness as humans consciousnesses in general or to another specific human.

We may never know which possible alien consciousnesses actually exist in the universe or multiverse now, has existed in the past, or will exist in the future. But we can experiment with many different structures and functionings within an itofazpaducer and then apply many different sensepaths and externapaths producing many possible different alien consciousnesses. We can start with human physapaths or neuropaths and then apply to them imagined possible alien world sensepaths. Our goal would not be to produced awarepaths that are suffering because of pain or mental confusion. Our goals can be many and varied. For instance, they can start at any point on any human awarepath and then apply one at a time of many different alien sensepaths. We could start with your conscious at this moment and apply any desired alien like sensepath. What this version of you would experience is an alien environment it could be very pleasant or on the other extreme very disorienting. If you were prepared for this change it would be easier than if all of a sudden it seemed for no reason you were transported to another world that was totally alien to you.

One might ask why would we ever do this? If we exist for billions of years on earth what will we do with all of our time when all of the other sciences are already completed? There are limitation to what we can do. One of them might be a limitation to travel through the universe. We may never be able to travel close to the speed of light or to "space warp" to other places in the universe. But we probably can produce very complex itofazpaducers that can give use experiences like we can travel to other places in the universe with aliens and alien worlds. We presently spend a lot money and time entertaining ourselves now. As science and technology advances we keep improving the devices that give us our experiences like television, video games, computers, etc,. So alien itofazpaducers can be used for many different positive things by humans like entertainment, experiments, observation, and for the shear joy of artistic creativity of new and different sensepaths, awarepaths and ixpepaths.

We are actually aliens to what we consider aliens and if they find themselves producing alien itofazpaducers, like some day we might, they may produce your present awarepath or a version of it in (to them) an alien itofazpaducer. In fact, what you are experiencing now maybe produced in their alien awarepaducer. They may have no idea if there is an earth in the universe with humans and all the other specifics of our world or reality. They have just created human consciousness and an earth reality from their imaginations. If they control the alien itofazpaducers they would have god like control over your conscious experiences. There may be many different reasons that they would produce human consciousnesses. They may already have human ixperiencitnesses themselves and just are creating different versions of themselves for any number of reason like for study, for entertainment, curiosity, to understand themselves better, etc., Of course many of the same reasons apply if they do not have the same ixperiencitnesses as humans do. Other reasons include creativity, empathy, and compassion. The goal might be through creativity to produce wonderful, amazing, interesting, etc awarepaths that can not be produced by reality alone with our god like intervention from the controllers of the itofazpaducer.

Alien itopaducer, Alien oripaducer, Alien idopaducer, Alien coripaducer, Alien citopaducer, Alien vitopaducer, Alien fitopaducer, Alien isopaducer, Alien biopaducer, Alien enhapaducer, Alien muspaducer, Alien insipaducer, Alien tritopaducer, Alien nrgpaducer, Alien combopaducer, Alien simipaducer,

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Alien itofazpaducer, Alien itophysipaducer, Alien itophysapaducer, Alien itoneuropaducer, Alien itoawarepaducer, Alien itomentapaducer, Alien itoixpepaducer, Alien itoepipaducer

Alien orifazpaducer, Alien oriphysipaducer, Alien oriphysapaducer, Alien orineuropaducer, Alien oriawarepaducer, Alien orimentapaducer, Alien orixpepaducer, Alien oriepipaducer

Alien idofazpaducer, Alien idophysipaducer, Alien idophysapaducer, Alien idoneuropaducer, Alien idoawarepaducer, Alien idomentapaducer, Alien idoixpepaducer, Alien idoepipaducer

Alien corifazpaducer, Alien coriphysipaducer, Alien coriphysapaducer, Alien corineuropaducer, Alien coriawarepaducer, Alien corimentapaducer, Alien corixpepaducer, Alien coriepipaducer

Alien citofazpaducer, Alien citophysipaducer, Alien citophysapaducer, Alien citoneuropaducer, Alien citoawarepaducer, Alien citomentapaducer, Alien citoixpepaducer, Alien citoepipaducer

Alien vitofazpaducer, Alien vitophysipaducer, Alien vitophysapaducer, Alien vitoneuropaducer, Alien vitoawarepaducer, Alien vitomentapaducer, Alien vitoixpepaducer, Alien vitoepipaducer

Alien fitofazpaducer, Alien fitophysipaducer, Alien fitophysapaducer, Alien fitoneuropaducer, Alien fitoawarepaducer, Alien fitomentapaducer, Alien fitoixpepaducer, Alien fitoepipaducer

Alien isofazpaducer, Alien isophysipaducer, Alien isophysapaducer, Alien isoneuropaducer, Alien isoawarepaducer, Alien isomentapaducer, Alien isoixpepaducer, Alien isoepipaducer

Alien biofazpaducer, Alien biophysipaducer, Alien biophysapaducer, Alien bioneuropaducer, Alien bioawarepaducer, Alien biomentapaducer, Alien bioixpepaducer, Alien bioepipaducer

Alien enhafazpaducer, Alien enhaphysipaducer, Alien enhaphysapaducer, Alien enhaneuropaducer, Alien enhawarepaducer, Alien enhamentapaducer, Alien enhaixpepaducer, Alien enhaepipaducer

Alien musfazpaducer, Alien musphysipaducer, Alien musphysapaducer, Alien musneuropaducer, Alien musawarepaducer, Alien musmentapaducer, Alien musixpepaducer, Alien musepipaducer

Alien insifazpaducer, Alien insiphysipaducer, Alien insiphysapaducer, Alien insineuropaducer, Alien insiawarepaducer, Alien insimentapaducer, Alien insixpepaducer, Alien insiepipaducer

Alien tritofazpaducer, Alien tritophysipaducer, Alien tritophysapaducer, Alien tritoneuropaducer, Alien tritoawarepaducer, Alien tritomentapaducer, Alien tritoixpepaducer, Alien tritoepipaducer

Alien nrgfazpaducer, Alien nrgphysipaducer, Alien nrgphysapaducer, Alien nrgneuropaducer, Alien nrgawarepaducer, Alien nrgmentapaducer, Alien nrgixpepaducer, Alien nrgepipaducer

Alien combofazpaducer, Alien combophysipaducer, Alien combophysapaducer, Alien comboneuropaducer, Alien comboawarepaducer, Alien combomentapaducer, Alien comboixpepaducer, Alien comboepipaducer

Alien simifazpaducer, Alien simiphysipaducer, Alien simiphysapaducer, Alien simineuropaducer, Alien simiawarepaducer, Alien simimentapaducer, Alien simixpepaducer, Alien simiepipaducer