Afterlife is Meaningless Without Afterafterlife

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Do the potential afterlives that superimmortality predict can occur make life meaningful? Every single life on its own without any after life is meaningful in one way or another. If a person has a terrible life full of depression either because of the way the brain works and, or because of the unjust, sad, depressing and painful etc., experiences in life, and one believes that this life is often too short when good and in the end final, life is still not meaningless.

One might say that life is meaningless if there is only one after life or one endlessly long afterlife. There should be many possible simultaneous afterlives or better yet multiple simultaneous afterlives that continue to exist for an infinite amount of time. Better yet is an infinite amount of simultaneous afterlives that are all novel or at least you think are novel from your limited conscious perspective that all exists for an infinite amount of time and of course you experience each part of each one. One more thing that you would want is that these different lives are not so bad that you do not want to experience them. You give meaning to your life by giving it a purpose. But not just any purpose. There are selfish purposes like wanting to get rich or powerful at the expense of others. And there are unselfish purposes like helping other or making advancement in knowledge that help people eventually. Many people do both selfish and unselfish things in their lives. A selfish thing might be as simple as wanting a new car, and in getting this goal it hurts no one in the end. This selfish thing might actually help friends and family and in the end not be very selfish at all.

There are many ways that superimmortality gives meaning and purpose to life. Some of superimmortality predictions are: That life can be extended after death endlessly in many different bodies. That more than one body can produce a consciousness that you can experience at one time. That by manipulating the way the brain is structured and then functioning one can control the conscious that a body produces thus producing desired consciousnesses and not awful conscious experiences. Superimmortality predicts that this is all potential something that can be strived for something that can give purpose and meaning to life. This purpose and meaning does not just have to apply to just yourself but to every one. Superimmortality applied to only yourself it is selfish. Superimmortality applied to everyone by you is an ultimate unselfish purpose of your current and potential conscious lives.